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How to Nail your next Technical Interview

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You may be missing out on a 66.5% salary hike*

Nick Camilleri

Head of Career Skills Development & Coaching
*Based on past data of successful IK students
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Android Engineering Interview Course
Tpm course

Nail Your Next Android Engineering Interview

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Designed and taught by FAANG+ engineers, this course will help you ace every interview you give. Master everything from core tech interview concepts to soft skills in just 15 weeks.

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Students who chose to uplevel with IK got placed at

Pratik Agarwal
Software Development Engineer ll
Suat Mercan
Senior Software Engineer
Kishore Periassamy
Software Development Engineer
Anshul Bansal
Software Engineer
Vinayak Prabhu
System Development Engineer
Kelsi Lakey
Software Engineer
Shrey Shrivastava
Software Development Engineer ll
Aniruddha Tekade
Senior Software Engineer
Tech professionals trained
Highest offer received by an IK alum
Average salary hike received by alums
Best suited for
Current or former Android Engineers who want to advance to FAANG and other Tier-1 companies

Why choose this course?

Comprehensive Curriculum

Program designed by FAANG+ leads

Covering data structures, algorithms, interview-relevant topics, and career coaching
Rigorous Mock Interviews

Individualized teaching and 1:1 help

Technical coaching, homework assistance, solutions discussion, and individual session
Plenty of 1 x 1 Help

Mock interviews with Silicon Valley engineers

Live interview practice in real-life simulated environments with FAANG and top-tier interviewers
Career Skills Development

Personalized feedback

Constructive, structured, and actionable insights for improved interview performance
Salary Negotiation

Career skills development

Resume building, LinkedIn profile optimization, personal branding, and live behavioral workshops
Salary Negotiation

50% Money-Back Guarantee*

If you do well in our course but still don't land a domain-relevant job within the post-program support period, we'll refund 50% of the tuition you paid for the course.*

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Meet your instructors

Our highly experienced instructors are active hiring managers and employees at FAANG+ companies and know exactly what it takes to ace tech and managerial interviews.

WeiSheng Su

Sr. Software Engineer
10+ years experience

Jason Sheung Him Tang

Software Engineer
7+ years experience

Adell Hanson-Kahn

Staff Software Engineer
9+ years experience

Omkar Deshpande

Head of Curriculum
15+ years experience

Nick Camilleri

Head of Career Skills Devp. and Coaching
10+ years experience

A typical week at Interview Kickstart

This is how we structure and organize your interview prep with our high-quality, content-rich course. Our learners devote 10 to 12 hours per week to this course.


Get foundational content
Get high-quality videos and course material for the upcoming week's live class
Covers introduction to fundamentals, interview-relevant topics, and case studies
Assignment review session
Instructor led focused group discussions on the assignment's solution
Interview-like drill down into key techniques and design choices


Attend online live sessions
Attend 4-hour session covering interview-relevant Android Engineering concepts
Learn strategies to solve a wide variety of interview problems, including open-ended questions asked in FAANG+ interviews
Receive live feedback from Tier-1 tech instructors


Practice problems & assignments
Practice the concepts taught in live sessions to solve assignment questions
Work on interview-oriented assignment problems and discuss the solutions
Attend live doubt-solving sessions with FAANG+ instructors


1:1 access to instructors
Personalized coaching from FAANG+ Android instructors
Individualized and detailed attention to your questions
Solution walkthroughs
Contact for Pricing

Android Engineering Interview Course details and curriculum

Data structures and Algorithms
5 weeks
5 live classes


  • Introduction to Sorting
  • Basics of Asymptotic Analysis and Worst Case & Average Case Analysis
  • Different Sorting Algorithms and their comparison
  • Algorithm paradigms like Divide & Conquer, Decrease & Conquer, Transform & Conquer
  • Presorting
  • Extensions of Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort
  • Common sorting-related coding interview problems


  • Recursion as a Lazy Manager's Strategy
  • Recursive Mathematical Functions
  • Combinatorial Enumeration
  • Backtracking
  • Exhaustive Enumeration & General Template
  • Common recursion- and backtracking-related coding interview problems


  • Dictionaries & Sets, Hash Tables 
  • Modeling data as Binary Trees and Binary Search Tree and performing different operations over them
  • Tree Traversals and Constructions 
  • BFS Coding Patterns
  • DFS Coding Patterns
  • Tree Construction from its traversals 
  • Common trees-related coding interview problems


  • Overview of Graphs
  • Problem definition of the 7 Bridges of Konigsberg and its connection with Graph theory
  • What is a graph, and when do you model a problem as a Graph?
  • How to store a Graph in memory (Adjacency Lists, Adjacency Matrices, Adjacency Maps)
  • Graphs traversal: BFS and DFS, BFS Tree, DFS stack-based implementation
  • A general template to solve any problems modeled as Graphs
  • Graphs in Interviews
  • Common graphs-related coding interview problems

Dynamic Programming

  • Dynamic Programming Introduction
  • Modeling problems as recursive mathematical functions
  • Detecting overlapping subproblems
  • Top-down Memorization
  • Bottom-up Tabulation
  • Optimizing Bottom-up Tabulation
  • Common DP-related coding interview problems
System Design
3 weeks
3 live classes

Online Processing Systems

  • The client-server model of Online processing
  • Top-down steps for system design interview
  • Depth and breadth analysis
  • Cryptographic hash function
  • Network Protocols, Web Server, Hash Index
  • Scaling
  • Performance Metrics of a Scalable System
  • SLOs and SLAs
  • Proxy: Reverse and Forward
  • Load balancing
  • CAP Theorem
  • Content Distribution Networks
  • Cache
  • Sharding
  • Consistent Hashing
  • Storage
  • Case Studies: URL Shortener, Instagram, Uber, Twitter, Messaging/Chat Services

Batch Processing Systems

  • Inverted Index
  • External Sort Merge
  • K-way External Sort-Merge
  • Distributed File System
  • Map-reduce Framework
  • Distributed Sorting
  • Case Studies: Search Engine, Graph Processor, Typeahead Suggestions, Recommendation Systems

Stream Processing Systems

  • Case Studies: on APM, Social Connections, Netflix, Google Maps, Trending Topics, YouTube
Android Engineering Concepts
4 weeks
4 live classes

Module 1 - Android UI Programming

  • Deep dive into app life-cycle intricacies. Interesting interview questions around App life-cycle. E.g., Explain the difference between inactive, backgrounded, and suspended app states.
  • Deep dive into building UI involving usage of grid list layout, recycler view, pagination, infinite scrolling, live data, and view model
  • Challenging design questions around building custom views
  • Deep dive into Jetpack Navigation and Jetpack Stateflow

Module 2 - Network and Memory Management

  • Interesting interview questions around making network requests and handling responses
  • Challenging design questions to involve making paginated network calls. E.g., Strategies to reduce the load time of the TikTok application.
  • A detailed discussion of data persistence strategies through interview questions. E.g., Design offline features of the WhatsApp application. 
  • Questions related to caching: when to cache? Which database to use for caching?

Module 3 - Concurrency, Debugging, and Profiling

  • Interesting questions around designing applications that make use of Content Provider
  • Deep dive into implementing concurrency while building Android applications involving concepts like Executors, Services, and Job scheduler
  • Deep dive into Debugging, Testing, Profiling, and Performance (CPU and Memory)

Module 4 - Modular Architecture design

  • A general template to answer client-side system design questions
  • Common mistakes made in the interviews
  • Deep dive into strategies to design modular code architecture, which would involve concepts around dependency injection and SOLID principle implementation
Career Session Orientation
3 weeks
3 live classes

Interview Strategy and Success


Behavioral Interview Prep


Offers and Negotiation

Support Period
6 months

15 mock interviews


Take classes you missed/retake classes/tests


1:1 technical/career coaching


Interview strategy and salary negotiation support

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Practice and track progress on UpLevel

UpLevel will be your all-in-one learning platform to get you FAANG-ready, with 10,000+ interview questions, timed tests, videos, mock interviews suite, and more.
Mock interviews suite
On-demand timed tests
In-browser online judge
help circle
10,000 interview questions
100,000 hours of video explanations
Class schedules & activity alerts
Real-time progress update
11 programming languages

Get upto 15 mock interviews with                      hiring managers

What makes our mock Interviews the best:

Hiring managers from Tier-1 companies like Google & Apple

Interview with the best. No one will prepare you better!

Domain-specific Interviews

Practice for your target domain - Android Engineering

Detailed personalized feedback

Identify and work on your improvement areas

Transparent, non-anonymous interviews

Get the most realistic experience possible

Career impact

Our engineers land high-paying and rewarding offers from the biggest tech companies, including Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Tesla, and Netflix.

Ian Hwang

Software Engineer
Placed at:
I attended IK and I've got a lot of knowledge that helped me get into Microsoft. Their Curriculum (algorithms and data structures) is organized very well and explanations are so helpful. And mock interviews and the feedback helped me a lot. It was worth it!

Neetika Srivastava

Software Engineer
Placed at:
I really like how the program is structured and how it caters to different domains. It is really helpful. The patterns that they teach you at Interview Kickstart are really useful because you can apply those patterns to any new problem. Knowing those patterns, you can solve basically any question because you can relate it to problems you have already solved, which gives you confidence.

Chun Wu

Senior Software Engineer
Placed at:
I joined iK after stumbling across it while reviewing some other interview prep materials after doing poorly in an interview at Linkedin. I knew that doing well in these interviews would require dedication and investment of my time - but with so many resources online I didn't have structure. This is what the IK platform provided me.

Shrey Shrivastava

Software development Engineer ll
Placed at:
google brand logo
The Interview Kickstart course is very structured and informative. They teach you about DS and algo fundamentals very thoroughly and also prepare you for the software engineering interview. I really like the live classes by FAANG engineers, and the homework and tests definitely help you toprepare for a real interview. If you have been looking for a bootcamp that prepares you for software engineering interviews, I would say this is definitely the right place to do it.

Sridhar Gandham

Senior Software Engineer
Placed at:
My experience at IK was extremely positive. I was preparing for FAANG companies using the standard techniques that you find on the internet. When I started preparing, there was no structure to the madness. For example, a simple quicksort can be implemented in multiple ways. So solving a medium problem would take me about 30 minutes. The biggest benefit that I got from IK was a clear, structured way of solving problems. After IK, I could solve medium problems in 10 minutes!

Akriti Bhatt

Software Engineer
Placed at:
Interview Kickstart is a great platform to perfect your basics and get a deep understanding of algorithms. These sessions helped me crack Google and several other companies.
Having struggled for a while to understand what I was doing wrong in interviews and how to behave during an interview, I took the help of 1-1 interview sessions with the mentors and the guidance provided by them helped me understand the problem with my approach.

How to enroll for the Android Engineering Interview Course?

Learn more about Interview Kickstart and the Android Engineering Interview Course by joining the free webinar hosted by Ryan Valles, co-founder of Interview Kickstart.

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A Free Guide to Kickstart Your Android Engineering Career at FAANG+

From the interview process and career path to interview questions and salary details — learn everything you need to know about Android Engineering careers at top tech companies.
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Android Engineering Interview Process Outline

A typical Android Engineering interview process at FAANG+ and other Tier-1 companies looks like this:
Initial technical screening: This usually involves a DSA-based coding round and a discussion of your past projects and Android fundamentals. 
4-6 on-site rounds:
  • General coding rounds - Leetcode-styled questions [language agnostic; better if one can code in Kotlin or Java]; your coding skills are evaluated.
  • Android-specific interviews - Mix of Android flavored DSA questions; Android Domain knowledge testing through trivia questions.
  • System design - Client-side system design - Whiteboarding solution; general structured problem solving is evaluated with questions such as, “Design Instagram.”
At other Tier-1 companies like Uber, Pinterest, Airbnb, Doordash, etc., following rounds are also a part of the interview process. 
  • Take-home assignments
  • Live coding - Coding an Android application from scratch within time limits
  • Code slicing - Understanding an existing piece of code and building some features on top of it
  • Code debugging - Identifying and fixing bugs in the project
Behavioral round: Open-ended questions asked by hiring managers to gauge whether you’re a cultural fit for the company

What to Expect at Android Engineer Interviews at FAANG+ Companies

Initial technical screening
This usually involves a coding round and a discussion of your past projects and Android fundamentals. The coding questions are typically at an Easy/Medium level on Leetcode.
On-site (around 4-6 rounds)  
On-site rounds vary a lot from company to company. Some companies have all the following components in all of their rounds. Some companies prefer to have 2-3 explicit algorithmic coding rounds first then, followed by a couple of rounds on Android domain concepts. In the Android domain rounds, you can expect questions such as Android pop quizzes, bug fixing, code slicing, and client-side system design.
  • Algorithmic questions: Depending on the total years of experience, you go through 2 to 3 coding (DSA-based) rounds. Usually, the difficulty level of these questions is LC easy/medium, but occasionally LC hard questions are also thrown into the mix. 
  • Android pop quiz: You are grilled on your knowledge of Android development- Design patterns, views, and user interaction. You might also be asked to develop an Android app.
  • Bug fixing: Fix bugs in a given app codebase within a given time interval. 
  • Slicing of code: Explain the working of a given piece of code.
  • Android system design rounds (Generally for experienced candidates): The number of design rounds typically increases with your work experience and applied level. You are also expected to explain low-level design implementation as well for some parts of the HLD. You are also tested on high-level design architectures for real-life products.
Behavioral round 
This is conducted by the hiring manager. You can expect questions related to your work experience, discussions on past projects, and open-ended questions to gauge if you're a "good fit."
You can apply for the open job roles through online channels or through recruiters. Once your profile is shortlisted, you’ll go through these rounds of interviews. The entire interview process takes around 4 to 8 weeks.

Android Engineering Interview Questions

As Android is the most popular operating system in the world, the demand for qualified professionals is always increasing. To clear the interview questions at the top tech companies, you’ll need to know which Android Engineering interview questions to prepare.
To help you get started, we’ve divided them into the following categories: 
Android Engineering Interview Questions on Coding
How do you convert a String into int like the atoi()?
What’s the process of reversing a linked list in place?
How would you remove duplicates if given an array in Java?
What’s the process of determining whether a given number is a palindrome?
How would you implement the Sieve of Eratosthenes Algorithms for Prime Number?
Domain-Specific Android Engineering Interview Questions
Evaluate two different ways to design an app that horizontally scrolls, like when you select an email in Gmail:
  • Come up with how to implement a horizontal scroll where:
  • The user can scroll multiple items at a time
  • The user can’t, and each item snaps stop
  • Describe how you would:
  • Figure out which one is in the middle
  • Update the elements on the top/bottom of the screen to match the data that’s in the middle
How would you implement the feature in an existing application?
  • Scroll position persistence
  • Given: A user has navigated to a location within the minute data list
  • When: the user closes the app and relaunches it
  • Then: the minute data list scroll position is the same
  • Navigation persistence
  • Given: A user has navigated to a specific minute’s detail screen
  • When: the user closes the app and relaunches it
  • Then: the minute data detail screen is the same, and a back press takes the user back to the list screen.
The app has a login and logout button, and if the user tries to log in (simply by pressing the login button), all buttons should not work. Please check out how to solve this ANR so that the static simulation works (i.e., the top right button).
Design a messenger application with the following requirements:
  • Design a messenger app where users can send messages to each other
  • We do not need to implement group chat
  • Provide support for offline (view contacts, send messages, not receiving messages, though, obviously)
  • Users can share images in the chat
Architect and write the fragment + adapter code to implement infinite scroll for an application.
Why do you need an AndroidManifest.xml file?
Differentiate between Implicit and Explicit Intent.
What is meant by ANR in Android, and how can it be avoided?
What troubleshooting techniques can you use if an application crashes frequently?
In Android Development, what is the role of Dalvik?
How would you implement a GDPR program for Google Services?
What's the importance of the .dex file?
Define Job Scheduler.
What are the drawbacks of Android?
Explain the four essential activity states.
Android Engineering Interview Questions on Behavioral Skills
Have you ever had to work on several projects at once? How did you deal with it?
How do you handle arguments with coworkers?
Have you ever worked with developers and Engineers to debug an application? What was your role?
What was the latest application installed on your phone, and why?
According to you, which application does our company need right now?
To further improve your behavioral skills, check out 9 Behavioral Questions for Your Next Big Interview.

Android Engineering Career Path

Millions of new job opportunities in the Android app development space are expected to emerge. Android Engineering is a great career choice for engineers because it is one of the most widely used operating system.
Android Engineer Job Roles and Responsibilities
As an Android Engineer, you’ll be responsible for:
Elevating code into the development, test, and production environments on schedule
Participating in code reviews and weekly Android team remote meetups
Working closely with the product, design, and engineering teams
Managing the design and architecture of modules in the overall product. Helping with troubleshooting production problems, root cause analysis, and debugging
Diagnosing complex issues, evaluating, recommending, and implementing the best resolution
Communicating frequently with clients, including project plans and scope
Direct internal and external resources in software development to deliver assigned modules
Actively engaging in development activities associated with developing new solutions and refining current solutions
Performing detailed technical design and implementation of complex Android applications
Leading meetings and reviewing designs with the business
Assuming a lead role on an agile team responsible for Android solutions
Actively contribute to building top-quality engineering teams and technology practices
Staying up to date with new Growth and Personalization tools
Required Qualifications for Android Engineers
Bachelor's or Graduate's degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or a related field
Experience with programing languages, preferably Java, and Kotlin
Experience with Android Software Development and Android Studio
Understanding of Android system design and Android architecture
Fluency in interfacing and unit testing
A knack for problem-solving and critical thinking
Familiar with debugging and working with object-oriented programming
Preferred Qualifications for Android Engineers
Experience in mobile design patterns (MVVM, MVI, VIPER), building mobile frameworks / SDKs, building custom UX widgets, and optimizing apps for performance (Instruments)
Experience in writing testable code and automating test regressions
Experience with multi-module applications in a large distributed team environment
Knowledge of professional software engineering practices, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operations
Experience in developing, releasing, and maintaining Android apps
Familiarity with REST architecture for web services
Experience communicating technical problems to both technical and business audiences verbally and in writing
To learn how to list your skills and qualifications on your resume, read: 
Android Engineering Career Roadmap
In a FAANG+ company, the career progression for the Android role is similar to that for the general software development role:
SWE I/SWE II Android Development → SWE II → Senior SWE → Staff SWE → Senior Staff SWE or EM/Director → Principal Engineer or Director/VP   

Android Engineer Salary and Levels at FAANG

An Android Engineer can work at various levels within a company. And so, the Android Engineers' salary varies greatly. To better understand this, we've compiled a list of Android Engineer salaries by the level at FAANG companies.
Facebook Android Engineer Salary
On an average, a Facebook Android Engineer earns $139,900 per year. Based on the different levels, the Facebook Android Engineer’s salary range is given below:
Android Engineer salary at Facebook
Average compensation by level
Level name
Stock (/yr)
Amazon Android Engineer Salary
The average salary of an Android Engineer here is $144,250 per year. According to the different levels at the company, the Amazon Android Engineer’s salary range is given below:
Android Engineer salary at Amazon
Average compensation by level
Level name
Stock (/yr)
Apple Android Engineer Salary
An Apple Android Engineer makes $114,500 per year. According to the different levels, the Apple Android Engineer’s salary range is given below:
Android Engineer salary at Apple
Average compensation by level
Level name
Stock (/yr)
Netflix Android Engineer Salary
An Android Engineer at Netflix earns $152,687 per year, on average. Based on the different positions/levels, the salary range is given below:
Android Engineer salary at Netflix
Average compensation by level
Level name
Stock (/yr)
New Grad SW. Engineer
Sr. SW. Engineer
Google Android Engineer Salary 
The salary of a Google Android Engineer is $156,806 a year, on average. Based on the different levels, the Google Android Engineer’s salary range is given below:
Android Engineer salary at Google
Average compensation by level
Level name
Stock (/yr)

FAQs on Android Engineering Interview Course

What do Android Developers do?
What is Android Programming?
What coding topics are essential for Android interviews, and how does interview Kickstart's program approach them?
What skills are needed to crack Android Engineering interviews?
What are the different job roles in the field of Android App Development?

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Course Brochure

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