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Top 30 SQL Server DBA Interview Questions and Answers

by Interview Kickstart Team in Interview Questions
August 28, 2024
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Top 30 SQL Server DBA Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated by Abhinav Rawat on May 30, 2024 at 05:58 PM | Reading time: 9 minutes

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SQL Server Database Administrators, also called Server DBAs, are responsible for the design, maintenance, security, memory, and support of SQL Server Databases. SQL DBAs are in high demand across industries like healthcare, manufacturing, and retail. The job growth projection for the next decade is 9%.. To lay hands on this highly promising job you need to have the correct knowledge and skill set, and foremost you must have a knack for clearing the interview questions.

SQL Server DBA interview questions are asked in both fresher and experienced programmers' SQL interviews. If you're getting ready for an upcoming SQL interview, going over these SQL Server DBA interview questions and answers can help you ace it.

If you’re a software engineer, coding engineer, software developer, engineering manager, or tech lead preparing for tech interviews, check out our technical interview checklist, interview questions page, and salary negotiation e-book to get interview-ready!

Having trained over 9,000 software engineers, we know what it takes to crack the most challenging tech interviews. Since 2014, Interview Kickstart alums have landed lucrative offers from FAANG and Tier-1 tech companies, with an average salary hike of 49%. The highest-ever offer received by an IK alum is a whopping $933,000!

At IK, you get the unique opportunity to learn from expert instructors who are hiring managers and tech leads at Google, Facebook, Apple, and other top Silicon Valley tech companies.  Our reviews will tell you how we’ve shaped the careers of thousands of professionals aspiring to take their careers to new heights.

Want to nail your next tech interview? Sign up for our FREE Webinar.

In this article, we’ll look at some common basic and advanced SQL Server DBA interview questions with answers, as well as some sample interview questions asked at SQL technical interviews.

Here’s what we’ll discuss:

  • Most Popular SQL Server DBA Interview Questions with Answers
  • Sample SQL Server DBA Interview Questions for Practice
  • FAQs About SQL Server DBA Interview Questions

Most Popular SQL Server DBA Interview Questions With Answers

These interview questions and answers for SQL Server DBAs are commonly asked of both freshers and experienced developers. Practising these questions will prepare you for your tech interview.

Q1. What do you mean by Extent in an SQL Server Database?

Extents in an SQL server database are the basic unit of measuring space for indexes and tables in the database.

Q2. What are the contents of the page header in an SQL server database?

The contents of the page header are - Index of Data and Free Space.

SQL Server DBA Contents of Page Header

Q3. What are the different types of System databases?

The different types of System Databases include:

  • Resource
  • TempDB
  • Distribution
  • Model
  • Master
  • MSDB
Different Types of System Databases

Q4. What is the Syntax used to create an SQL database?

The syntax used to create an SQL database is - Create database <databasename>

Q5. How do you create databases with specific file locations in SQL?

This is one of the most common SQL Server DBA interview questions asked in technical interviews. To create a database with a specific file location, the following command is used:

Restore Database <database name> from disk='<Backup file location + file name>’

Q6. What are some third-party tools used to create and support SQL Server databases?

Some third-party tools that are commonly used to create and support SQL server databases include:

  • SQL Doc2 - Used to document SQL databases
  • SQL Check - USed to monitor memory and server activities
  • SQL Backup5 - This is used to backup SQL databases
  • Litespeed 5.0 - Used mainly to restore and backup databases
  • SQL Prompt - used to provide IntelliSense for SQL databases
SQL Server Databases Third-Party Tools

Q7. What is SSMS?

The SSMS, or SQL Server Management Studio, is a popular software application used for designing, creating, configuring, and managing components inside the Microsoft SQL database. It is one of the widely used applications for Microsoft SQL databases.

Q8. What are the Methods used to backup SQL databases?

The methods used to backup SQL databases include SSMS and T-SQL

Backup SQL Databases Methods

Q9. What do you understand about Hotfixes in the content of SQL Server Databases?

Hotfixes are software packages that contain multiple files specifically deployed to fix problems in an SQL database. Hotfixes are commonly developed and used by developers to rectify SQL database problems that may arise from time to time.

Q10. What are some benefits of employing SQL third-party tools to maintain and support SQL Server databases?

This is a common SQL Server DBA interview question asked at technical interviews. Some benefits of using third-party tools include:

  • Backups are secured through encryption
  • Security of databases is maintained
  • Memory is allocated uniformly and consistently
  • Faster recovery options
  • Individual database objects can be easily recovered
  • Backup histories and schedules can be viewed seamlessly

Sample SQL Server DBA Interview Questions for Practice

Here are some additional sample SQL server DBA interview questions that you can practice before your tech interview. These basic and advanced questions will help you prepare your answers in advance and make it easier to crack the technical round.

  1. What do you understand by Clustering in SQL Server Databases?
  2. What do you understand by Mirroring?
  3. What is log shipping?
  4. What do you understand by Replication?
  5. What are some methods used to Start and Stop services?
  6. How do you optimally monitor SQL servers? Would you use third-party tools?
  7. List the different types of backups used in SQL server databases?
  8. What is the Syntax to insert data into tables in an SQL database?
  9. What command would you use to see execution plans by users?
  10. How would you go about deleting current-day entries in a table that has a timestamp column?
  11. What is SSIS, and what are its uses?
  12. What Syntax would you use to get the top 60 records from a given SQL table?
  13. What are the different backup types used in SQL server databases?
  14. What is the action plan to be followed if an SQL server isn’t responding?
  15. What do you understand about T-SQL?
  16. How would you decide between passive and active nodes in an SQL server database?
  17. How do you go about SQL server monitoring?
  18. How do you ensure to maintain the security of an SQL server database?
  19. How do you allocate memory to components in an SQL server database?
  20. What is the process to upgrade SQL server versions?

The above SQL server DBA interview questions will help you prepare thoroughly for your upcoming SQL or software engineering interview.

FAQs About SQL Server DBA Interview Questions

Q1. What type of SQL Server DBA interview questions can you expect at technical interviews?

SQL Server DBA interview questions at technical interviews are typically around different System Databases, core SQL database concepts such as clustering, mirroring, replication, server, and database security, allocating memory, and retrieving data from the database servers.

Q2. What is the typical role of an SQL Database Administrator?

SQL Database Administrators are typically involved with designing and managing the SQL server, allocating memory, organizing data, enabling user interaction with the server, and ensuring that data contained in the server is secure.

Q3. How many years of experience do you need as an SQL DBA to apply to FAANG+ companies?

Most top companies, including FAANG+ companies, prefer administrators with proven database and server-side experience. These companies require candidates to have 3-4 of experience designing and managing SQL databases.

Q4. Which are the four main types of Database Console Commands?

This is a standard SQL Server DBA interview question asked at technical interviews. The four main types of DBCCs are Information Commands, Validation Commands, Maintenance Commands, and Miscellaneous Commands.

Q5. What are the types of recovery models available in SQL server databases?

The three types of available recovery models include - Simple Recovery, Sull Recovery, and Bulked Log Recovery.

Q6. What is the average salary of a SQL Server Database Administrator in the US?

The salary range for SQL Server Database Administrators typically falls between $91,451 and $115,670, with the average salary being $103,569 as of July 25, 2023. Salary can vary based on factors like education, certifications, skills, and experience. (Source:

Get Ready for Your Next Software Developer Interview

Getting ready for your SQL interview? Register for our free webinar to get insightful guidance from industry experts on how to crack technical interviews at the biggest companies in the world.

At Interview Kickstart, we’ve trained over 9,000 engineers to land lucrative offers at companies such as Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple, and Netflix, among other companies. Our instructors are active hiring managers at FAANG+ companies and know just what it takes to nail challenging and highly competitive technical interviews at top technology companies.

Sign-up for our free webinar now!

Abhinav Rawat
Product Manager @ Interview Kickstart | Ex-upGrad | BITS Pilani. Working with hiring managers from top companies like Meta, Apple, Google, Amazon etc to build structured interview process BootCamps across domains
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SQL Server Database Administrators, also called Server DBAs, are responsible for the design, maintenance, security, memory, and support of SQL Server Databases. SQL DBAs are in high demand across industries like healthcare, manufacturing, and retail. The job growth projection for the next decade is 9%.. To lay hands on this highly promising job you need to have the correct knowledge and skill set, and foremost you must have a knack for clearing the interview questions.

SQL Server DBA interview questions are asked in both fresher and experienced programmers' SQL interviews. If you're getting ready for an upcoming SQL interview, going over these SQL Server DBA interview questions and answers can help you ace it.

If you’re a software engineer, coding engineer, software developer, engineering manager, or tech lead preparing for tech interviews, check out our technical interview checklist, interview questions page, and salary negotiation e-book to get interview-ready!

Having trained over 9,000 software engineers, we know what it takes to crack the most challenging tech interviews. Since 2014, Interview Kickstart alums have landed lucrative offers from FAANG and Tier-1 tech companies, with an average salary hike of 49%. The highest-ever offer received by an IK alum is a whopping $933,000!

At IK, you get the unique opportunity to learn from expert instructors who are hiring managers and tech leads at Google, Facebook, Apple, and other top Silicon Valley tech companies.  Our reviews will tell you how we’ve shaped the careers of thousands of professionals aspiring to take their careers to new heights.

Want to nail your next tech interview? Sign up for our FREE Webinar.

In this article, we’ll look at some common basic and advanced SQL Server DBA interview questions with answers, as well as some sample interview questions asked at SQL technical interviews.

Here’s what we’ll discuss:

  • Most Popular SQL Server DBA Interview Questions with Answers
  • Sample SQL Server DBA Interview Questions for Practice
  • FAQs About SQL Server DBA Interview Questions

Most Popular SQL Server DBA Interview Questions With Answers

These interview questions and answers for SQL Server DBAs are commonly asked of both freshers and experienced developers. Practising these questions will prepare you for your tech interview.

Q1. What do you mean by Extent in an SQL Server Database?

Extents in an SQL server database are the basic unit of measuring space for indexes and tables in the database.

Q2. What are the contents of the page header in an SQL server database?

The contents of the page header are - Index of Data and Free Space.

SQL Server DBA Contents of Page Header

Q3. What are the different types of System databases?

The different types of System Databases include:

  • Resource
  • TempDB
  • Distribution
  • Model
  • Master
  • MSDB
Different Types of System Databases

Q4. What is the Syntax used to create an SQL database?

The syntax used to create an SQL database is - Create database <databasename>

Q5. How do you create databases with specific file locations in SQL?

This is one of the most common SQL Server DBA interview questions asked in technical interviews. To create a database with a specific file location, the following command is used:

Restore Database <database name> from disk='<Backup file location + file name>’

Q6. What are some third-party tools used to create and support SQL Server databases?

Some third-party tools that are commonly used to create and support SQL server databases include:

  • SQL Doc2 - Used to document SQL databases
  • SQL Check - USed to monitor memory and server activities
  • SQL Backup5 - This is used to backup SQL databases
  • Litespeed 5.0 - Used mainly to restore and backup databases
  • SQL Prompt - used to provide IntelliSense for SQL databases
SQL Server Databases Third-Party Tools

Q7. What is SSMS?

The SSMS, or SQL Server Management Studio, is a popular software application used for designing, creating, configuring, and managing components inside the Microsoft SQL database. It is one of the widely used applications for Microsoft SQL databases.

Q8. What are the Methods used to backup SQL databases?

The methods used to backup SQL databases include SSMS and T-SQL

Backup SQL Databases Methods

Q9. What do you understand about Hotfixes in the content of SQL Server Databases?

Hotfixes are software packages that contain multiple files specifically deployed to fix problems in an SQL database. Hotfixes are commonly developed and used by developers to rectify SQL database problems that may arise from time to time.

Q10. What are some benefits of employing SQL third-party tools to maintain and support SQL Server databases?

This is a common SQL Server DBA interview question asked at technical interviews. Some benefits of using third-party tools include:

  • Backups are secured through encryption
  • Security of databases is maintained
  • Memory is allocated uniformly and consistently
  • Faster recovery options
  • Individual database objects can be easily recovered
  • Backup histories and schedules can be viewed seamlessly

Sample SQL Server DBA Interview Questions for Practice

Here are some additional sample SQL server DBA interview questions that you can practice before your tech interview. These basic and advanced questions will help you prepare your answers in advance and make it easier to crack the technical round.

  1. What do you understand by Clustering in SQL Server Databases?
  2. What do you understand by Mirroring?
  3. What is log shipping?
  4. What do you understand by Replication?
  5. What are some methods used to Start and Stop services?
  6. How do you optimally monitor SQL servers? Would you use third-party tools?
  7. List the different types of backups used in SQL server databases?
  8. What is the Syntax to insert data into tables in an SQL database?
  9. What command would you use to see execution plans by users?
  10. How would you go about deleting current-day entries in a table that has a timestamp column?
  11. What is SSIS, and what are its uses?
  12. What Syntax would you use to get the top 60 records from a given SQL table?
  13. What are the different backup types used in SQL server databases?
  14. What is the action plan to be followed if an SQL server isn’t responding?
  15. What do you understand about T-SQL?
  16. How would you decide between passive and active nodes in an SQL server database?
  17. How do you go about SQL server monitoring?
  18. How do you ensure to maintain the security of an SQL server database?
  19. How do you allocate memory to components in an SQL server database?
  20. What is the process to upgrade SQL server versions?

The above SQL server DBA interview questions will help you prepare thoroughly for your upcoming SQL or software engineering interview.

FAQs About SQL Server DBA Interview Questions

Q1. What type of SQL Server DBA interview questions can you expect at technical interviews?

SQL Server DBA interview questions at technical interviews are typically around different System Databases, core SQL database concepts such as clustering, mirroring, replication, server, and database security, allocating memory, and retrieving data from the database servers.

Q2. What is the typical role of an SQL Database Administrator?

SQL Database Administrators are typically involved with designing and managing the SQL server, allocating memory, organizing data, enabling user interaction with the server, and ensuring that data contained in the server is secure.

Q3. How many years of experience do you need as an SQL DBA to apply to FAANG+ companies?

Most top companies, including FAANG+ companies, prefer administrators with proven database and server-side experience. These companies require candidates to have 3-4 of experience designing and managing SQL databases.

Q4. Which are the four main types of Database Console Commands?

This is a standard SQL Server DBA interview question asked at technical interviews. The four main types of DBCCs are Information Commands, Validation Commands, Maintenance Commands, and Miscellaneous Commands.

Q5. What are the types of recovery models available in SQL server databases?

The three types of available recovery models include - Simple Recovery, Sull Recovery, and Bulked Log Recovery.

Q6. What is the average salary of a SQL Server Database Administrator in the US?

The salary range for SQL Server Database Administrators typically falls between $91,451 and $115,670, with the average salary being $103,569 as of July 25, 2023. Salary can vary based on factors like education, certifications, skills, and experience. (Source:

Get Ready for Your Next Software Developer Interview

Getting ready for your SQL interview? Register for our free webinar to get insightful guidance from industry experts on how to crack technical interviews at the biggest companies in the world.

At Interview Kickstart, we’ve trained over 9,000 engineers to land lucrative offers at companies such as Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple, and Netflix, among other companies. Our instructors are active hiring managers at FAANG+ companies and know just what it takes to nail challenging and highly competitive technical interviews at top technology companies.

Sign-up for our free webinar now!

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