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Master RDBMS: Key MCQs for Tech Professionals to Ace SQL Interviews

by Interview Kickstart Team in Interview Questions
August 31, 2024

Master RDBMS: Key MCQs for Tech Professionals to Ace SQL Interviews

Last updated by Rishabh Dev Choudhary on Aug 30, 2024 at 08:25 PM | Reading time: 8 minutes

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According to a report by Research Reports World, the estimated Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of the Relation Database Management System (RDBMS) will be 11.38% by 2027 at the global level. The estimated reach of the RDBMS market size is $118,400 million.

This intense growth rate shows how crucial RDBMS is in the business world, increasing job opportunities. However, with the increasing demand, there is an increase in competition. Tech companies often ask RDBMS MCQs to test knowledge and understanding of the candidates.

In the era where landing a job is becoming challenging, Interview Kickstart has brought intriguing courses to get you tech interview-ready to navigate a tough job market. Amazon, LinkedIn, Uber, Google, Zomato, Microsoft, PayPal, Paytm, and many more companies hire our tech professionals. 

We offer live sessions, mock tests, and much more to make you stand out from the other competitors. Programs are designed by FAANG+ experts who provide in-depth insights into your field and how companies hire candidates in the RDBMS field.

In this article, we will briefly explain the relational database management system and then cover some of the key RDBMS MCQs that will help you crack any SQL interview

Understanding Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

RDBMS, or relational database management systems, refers to a program that helps generate, manage, query, retrieve, and update data stored in relational databases. In 1970, Edgar Codd first defined RDBMS. It is based on the relational model, a straightforward and intuitive way to showcase the data in table format.

Each row in the table is a record possessing a unique ID, called a key in the relational database. In contrast, attributes of the data are held by columns where each record possesses value for every attribute. These rows and columns set up the relations among the data points.

Top 30 RDBMS MCQs to Master for Cracking Interviews

Let’s assess your performance in database design questions to build confidence in the RDBMS. This helps to have an in-depth understanding and theories at your fingertips, making you stay ahead of other competitors.

Q1. _________ is the Property of the Transaction Offering Protection to Data from System Failure.

  1. Isolation
  2. Consistency 
  3. Automaticity
  4. Durability 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - Durability.

Q2. The Lower Level of Abstraction Determining the Way Data are Actually Stored is:

  1. View
  2. User
  3. Abstraction
  4. Physical 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - Physical 

Q3. Verify the Statement: RDBMS has ACID properties.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. It depends on the data stored in the database
  4. RDBMS has no relation with ACID properties

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'C' - It depends on the data stored in the database 

Q4. ________ Refers to the ‘Data About Data'.

  1. Directory
  2. Sub Data
  3. Meta Data
  4. Warehouse

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'C' - Meta Data

Q5. The Total View of a Database is called:

  1. Physical View
  2. Internal View
  3. Conceptual View
  4. None of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'C' - Conceptual View

Q6. The Architecture of a Databasee can be Viewed as:

  1. Three-level
  2. Four-level
  3. One level
  4. Two-level

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'A' - Three-level

Q7. Minimal Superkeys are Also Known As _______.

  1. Foreign key
  2. Candidate key
  3. Primary key
  4. None of the above

Answer: B. Candidate key

Q8. Database System Catalog Store _________ Information

  1. Number of tuples
  2. Number of blocks
  3. Size of the tuple of a relation
  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - All of the above

Q9. Choose the Correct Option for the following SQL Query:

SELECT database_name, RDBMS (DISTINCT bankuser_name)

FROM depositor, account WHERE depositor.account_number=account.account_number

GROUP BY branch_id

  1. The query is invalid with respect to syntax
  2. The query has no syntax error and provides the correct answer
  3. The query contains one or more wrong-named clauses
  4. The query has no syntax error but provides a wrong answer

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'A' - The query is invalid with respect to syntax

Q10. The following System, RDBMS, is used in:

  1. Oracle
  2. IBM
  3. Microsoft SQL Server
  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - All of the above

Q11. Dynamic Hashing Enables Users to:

  1. Permits verification of hash function
  2. Accommodate the growth of the database
  3. Accommodate the shrinkage of the database
  4. All of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - All of the above 

Q12. ________ Keyword is Used to Identify the Number of Values in a Column.

  1. COUNT
  2. TOTAL
  3. SUM
  4. ADD

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'A' - COUNT

Q13. Which of the following Jins is a Default in SQL?

  1. Self
  2. Outer
  3. Inner
  4. None of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'C' - Inner

Q14. ___________ is Relational in RDBMS

  1. Key
  2. Data Types
  3. Table
  4. Row

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'C' - Table

Q15. Which of the following Data Types do we use for Storing Strings?

  1. Text
  2. JSON
  3. String
  4. Varchar

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - Varchar

Q16. _______ Command is Used to Modify a Column Inside a Table.

  1. Alter
  2. Update
  3. Drop
  4. Set

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'A' - Alter

Q17. The Relational Model of RDBMS is Related to:

  1. Data manipulation
  2. Data integrity
  3. Data structure
  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - All of the above

Q18. From the following, ______ is an Invalid SQL Constraint.


Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'B' - ALTERNATE KEY

Q19. The Datatype we use to Store Time is:

  1. Number
  2. Blob
  3. Epoch
  4. Datetime

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - Datetime

Q20. AS Clause is used for:

  1. Select
  2. Rename
  3. Union
  4. Projection 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'B' - Rename 

Q21. Which of the following Forms are Based on the Concept of Functional Dependency?

  1. 4NF
  2. 2NF
  3. 1NF
  4. 3NF

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - 3NF

Q22. What is an Association Among Several Entities?

  1. Set
  2. Association
  3. Relationship
  4. Combination

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'C' - Relationship 

Q23. The Dataset is Always Expected to Satisfy ________ Predicate.

  1. Assertion
  2. Mandate
  3. Verify 
  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'A' - Assertion

Q24. Which of the following is the Urinary Operation?

  1. Primitive operation
  2. Selection operation
  3. Generalized operation
  4. Projection operation

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'C' - Generalized operation

Q25. We can Make Transactions Permanent in the Database via:

  1. Rollback
  2. Commit
  3. View
  4. None of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'B' - Commit

Q26. Which of the following is the Number of Attributes in a Relation?

  1. Degree
  2. Tuples
  3. Cardinality
  4. Entity

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'A' - Degree

Q27. Which of the Following Deletes Data from a Database?

  1. Delete(RDBMS)
  2. Drop(RDBMS)
  3. Erase(RDBMS)
  4. None of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'A' - Delete(RDBMS)

Q28. A Domain is Atomic if Elements of the Domain are Taken as ______ Units.

  1. Divisible
  2. Different
  3. Indivisible
  4. Constant 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'C' - Indivisible

Q29. The Following Query Output will be:

UPDATE student

SET marks=marks*1.20;

  1. Increase marks by 20%
  2. Decrease marks by 1.20%
  3. Increase marks by 120%
  4. Decrease marks by 120%

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'A' - Increase marks by 20%

Q30. What will be the Correct Output for the Following Query?

(SELECT databaseid




(SELECT databaseid


WHERE id<10);

  1. All the values of databaseid for which section c and id>10
  2. All the values of databaseid for which section, not c and id>10
  3. All the values of databaseid for which section c and id<10
  4. All the values of databaseid for which section, not c and id<10

Answer: a. All the values of databaseid for which section c and id>10

Learn Database Normalization and Master RDBMS Interview with IK!

Now that you know different level questions are asked in the RDBMS, including database normalization and  SQL optimization, you might find solving it quite challenging. If you get stuck on certain questions, it does not mean you are lacking somewhere, but you require the right approach and guidance from experienced tech faculty.

Interview Kickstart's Data Engineering Interview Masterclass will help you land your dream role and become an RDBMS expert. You will learn the key fundamentals of data structure & algorithms and system design.

Our expert instructors will also help you write an ATS-clearing resume, build a strong online personal brand, and optimize your LinkedIn profile. 


Q1. State two limitations of RDBMS.

Two limitations of RDBMS are complexity and scalability.

Q2. List 4 characteristics of RDBMS.

The four characteristics of RDBMS are atomicity, durability, isolation, and consistency.

Q3. What is a data model?

A data model is defined as the collection of tools that define data, data relationships, and constraints.

Q4. State 5 advantages of RDBMS.

RDMS possess various benefits, including good maintenance, data redundancy prevention, security, user friendly, and network access. 

Q5. What is the software used in RDBMS?

Some popular software that uses RDBMS are PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL.

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Rishabh Dev Choudhary
The fast well prepared banner

According to a report by Research Reports World, the estimated Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of the Relation Database Management System (RDBMS) will be 11.38% by 2027 at the global level. The estimated reach of the RDBMS market size is $118,400 million.

This intense growth rate shows how crucial RDBMS is in the business world, increasing job opportunities. However, with the increasing demand, there is an increase in competition. Tech companies often ask RDBMS MCQs to test knowledge and understanding of the candidates.

In the era where landing a job is becoming challenging, Interview Kickstart has brought intriguing courses to get you tech interview-ready to navigate a tough job market. Amazon, LinkedIn, Uber, Google, Zomato, Microsoft, PayPal, Paytm, and many more companies hire our tech professionals. 

We offer live sessions, mock tests, and much more to make you stand out from the other competitors. Programs are designed by FAANG+ experts who provide in-depth insights into your field and how companies hire candidates in the RDBMS field.

In this article, we will briefly explain the relational database management system and then cover some of the key RDBMS MCQs that will help you crack any SQL interview

Understanding Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

RDBMS, or relational database management systems, refers to a program that helps generate, manage, query, retrieve, and update data stored in relational databases. In 1970, Edgar Codd first defined RDBMS. It is based on the relational model, a straightforward and intuitive way to showcase the data in table format.

Each row in the table is a record possessing a unique ID, called a key in the relational database. In contrast, attributes of the data are held by columns where each record possesses value for every attribute. These rows and columns set up the relations among the data points.

Top 30 RDBMS MCQs to Master for Cracking Interviews

Let’s assess your performance in database design questions to build confidence in the RDBMS. This helps to have an in-depth understanding and theories at your fingertips, making you stay ahead of other competitors.

Q1. _________ is the Property of the Transaction Offering Protection to Data from System Failure.

  1. Isolation
  2. Consistency 
  3. Automaticity
  4. Durability 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - Durability.

Q2. The Lower Level of Abstraction Determining the Way Data are Actually Stored is:

  1. View
  2. User
  3. Abstraction
  4. Physical 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - Physical 

Q3. Verify the Statement: RDBMS has ACID properties.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. It depends on the data stored in the database
  4. RDBMS has no relation with ACID properties

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'C' - It depends on the data stored in the database 

Q4. ________ Refers to the ‘Data About Data'.

  1. Directory
  2. Sub Data
  3. Meta Data
  4. Warehouse

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'C' - Meta Data

Q5. The Total View of a Database is called:

  1. Physical View
  2. Internal View
  3. Conceptual View
  4. None of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'C' - Conceptual View

Q6. The Architecture of a Databasee can be Viewed as:

  1. Three-level
  2. Four-level
  3. One level
  4. Two-level

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'A' - Three-level

Q7. Minimal Superkeys are Also Known As _______.

  1. Foreign key
  2. Candidate key
  3. Primary key
  4. None of the above

Answer: B. Candidate key

Q8. Database System Catalog Store _________ Information

  1. Number of tuples
  2. Number of blocks
  3. Size of the tuple of a relation
  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - All of the above

Q9. Choose the Correct Option for the following SQL Query:

SELECT database_name, RDBMS (DISTINCT bankuser_name)

FROM depositor, account WHERE depositor.account_number=account.account_number

GROUP BY branch_id

  1. The query is invalid with respect to syntax
  2. The query has no syntax error and provides the correct answer
  3. The query contains one or more wrong-named clauses
  4. The query has no syntax error but provides a wrong answer

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'A' - The query is invalid with respect to syntax

Q10. The following System, RDBMS, is used in:

  1. Oracle
  2. IBM
  3. Microsoft SQL Server
  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - All of the above

Q11. Dynamic Hashing Enables Users to:

  1. Permits verification of hash function
  2. Accommodate the growth of the database
  3. Accommodate the shrinkage of the database
  4. All of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - All of the above 

Q12. ________ Keyword is Used to Identify the Number of Values in a Column.

  1. COUNT
  2. TOTAL
  3. SUM
  4. ADD

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'A' - COUNT

Q13. Which of the following Jins is a Default in SQL?

  1. Self
  2. Outer
  3. Inner
  4. None of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'C' - Inner

Q14. ___________ is Relational in RDBMS

  1. Key
  2. Data Types
  3. Table
  4. Row

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'C' - Table

Q15. Which of the following Data Types do we use for Storing Strings?

  1. Text
  2. JSON
  3. String
  4. Varchar

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - Varchar

Q16. _______ Command is Used to Modify a Column Inside a Table.

  1. Alter
  2. Update
  3. Drop
  4. Set

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'A' - Alter

Q17. The Relational Model of RDBMS is Related to:

  1. Data manipulation
  2. Data integrity
  3. Data structure
  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - All of the above

Q18. From the following, ______ is an Invalid SQL Constraint.


Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'B' - ALTERNATE KEY

Q19. The Datatype we use to Store Time is:

  1. Number
  2. Blob
  3. Epoch
  4. Datetime

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - Datetime

Q20. AS Clause is used for:

  1. Select
  2. Rename
  3. Union
  4. Projection 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'B' - Rename 

Q21. Which of the following Forms are Based on the Concept of Functional Dependency?

  1. 4NF
  2. 2NF
  3. 1NF
  4. 3NF

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'D' - 3NF

Q22. What is an Association Among Several Entities?

  1. Set
  2. Association
  3. Relationship
  4. Combination

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'C' - Relationship 

Q23. The Dataset is Always Expected to Satisfy ________ Predicate.

  1. Assertion
  2. Mandate
  3. Verify 
  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'A' - Assertion

Q24. Which of the following is the Urinary Operation?

  1. Primitive operation
  2. Selection operation
  3. Generalized operation
  4. Projection operation

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'C' - Generalized operation

Q25. We can Make Transactions Permanent in the Database via:

  1. Rollback
  2. Commit
  3. View
  4. None of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'B' - Commit

Q26. Which of the following is the Number of Attributes in a Relation?

  1. Degree
  2. Tuples
  3. Cardinality
  4. Entity

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'A' - Degree

Q27. Which of the Following Deletes Data from a Database?

  1. Delete(RDBMS)
  2. Drop(RDBMS)
  3. Erase(RDBMS)
  4. None of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'A' - Delete(RDBMS)

Q28. A Domain is Atomic if Elements of the Domain are Taken as ______ Units.

  1. Divisible
  2. Different
  3. Indivisible
  4. Constant 

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'C' - Indivisible

Q29. The Following Query Output will be:

UPDATE student

SET marks=marks*1.20;

  1. Increase marks by 20%
  2. Decrease marks by 1.20%
  3. Increase marks by 120%
  4. Decrease marks by 120%

Answer: The correct answer to this RDBMS MCQ is 'A' - Increase marks by 20%

Q30. What will be the Correct Output for the Following Query?

(SELECT databaseid




(SELECT databaseid


WHERE id<10);

  1. All the values of databaseid for which section c and id>10
  2. All the values of databaseid for which section, not c and id>10
  3. All the values of databaseid for which section c and id<10
  4. All the values of databaseid for which section, not c and id<10

Answer: a. All the values of databaseid for which section c and id>10

Learn Database Normalization and Master RDBMS Interview with IK!

Now that you know different level questions are asked in the RDBMS, including database normalization and  SQL optimization, you might find solving it quite challenging. If you get stuck on certain questions, it does not mean you are lacking somewhere, but you require the right approach and guidance from experienced tech faculty.

Interview Kickstart's Data Engineering Interview Masterclass will help you land your dream role and become an RDBMS expert. You will learn the key fundamentals of data structure & algorithms and system design.

Our expert instructors will also help you write an ATS-clearing resume, build a strong online personal brand, and optimize your LinkedIn profile. 


Q1. State two limitations of RDBMS.

Two limitations of RDBMS are complexity and scalability.

Q2. List 4 characteristics of RDBMS.

The four characteristics of RDBMS are atomicity, durability, isolation, and consistency.

Q3. What is a data model?

A data model is defined as the collection of tools that define data, data relationships, and constraints.

Q4. State 5 advantages of RDBMS.

RDMS possess various benefits, including good maintenance, data redundancy prevention, security, user friendly, and network access. 

Q5. What is the software used in RDBMS?

Some popular software that uses RDBMS are PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL.

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