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Top Programming Interview Questions For Zendesk

by Interview Kickstart Team in Interview Questions
August 28, 2024

Top Programming Interview Questions For Zendesk

Last updated by on May 30, 2024 at 05:51 PM | Reading time:

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Full stack development at Zendesk is a rewarding and challenging career path. It is an area of software development that combines the front-end design of a website with the back-end development of web applications. Full-stack developers are responsible for writing both the client-side and server-side code to build a complete web application. This requires a diverse set of skills and a comprehensive understanding of the entire web development process, from design and coding to server configuration and deployment. At Zendesk, full-stack development is an essential component of the company’s product development process. The development team works closely with the product team to design and build web applications that are powerful, secure, and user-friendly. As a full-stack developer at Zendesk, you’ll be responsible for developing and maintaining the front-end and back-end code of web applications. You’ll also be responsible for deploying the application to production and ensuring that all changes are tested and documented. As a full-stack developer at Zendesk, you’ll be working with a variety of technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and React. You’ll also be expected to understand and apply best practices for database design and development, such as database normalization and database optimization. You’ll need to be comfortable working with a variety of databases, including relational and NoSQL, and be able to efficiently query and manipulate data. In addition to developing web applications, you’ll also be responsible for developing and maintaining APIs and web services. You’ll need to be comfortable working with web services such as REST, SOAP, and GraphQL, and be able to create, consume, and maintain these services. You’ll also need to understand and be able to apply security best practices to ensure the security of the web application. At Zendesk, you’ll join a team of talented and passionate engineers who are dedicated to building high-quality, scalable web applications. You’ll have the opportunity to work on interesting projects and collaborate with other engineers to solve complex problems. You’ll also have the opportunity to mentor and train junior developers and work with other teams, such as product, marketing, and customer service, to ensure the best possible user experience.
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Full stack development at Zendesk is a rewarding and challenging career path. It is an area of software development that combines the front-end design of a website with the back-end development of web applications. Full-stack developers are responsible for writing both the client-side and server-side code to build a complete web application. This requires a diverse set of skills and a comprehensive understanding of the entire web development process, from design and coding to server configuration and deployment. At Zendesk, full-stack development is an essential component of the company’s product development process. The development team works closely with the product team to design and build web applications that are powerful, secure, and user-friendly. As a full-stack developer at Zendesk, you’ll be responsible for developing and maintaining the front-end and back-end code of web applications. You’ll also be responsible for deploying the application to production and ensuring that all changes are tested and documented. As a full-stack developer at Zendesk, you’ll be working with a variety of technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and React. You’ll also be expected to understand and apply best practices for database design and development, such as database normalization and database optimization. You’ll need to be comfortable working with a variety of databases, including relational and NoSQL, and be able to efficiently query and manipulate data. In addition to developing web applications, you’ll also be responsible for developing and maintaining APIs and web services. You’ll need to be comfortable working with web services such as REST, SOAP, and GraphQL, and be able to create, consume, and maintain these services. You’ll also need to understand and be able to apply security best practices to ensure the security of the web application. At Zendesk, you’ll join a team of talented and passionate engineers who are dedicated to building high-quality, scalable web applications. You’ll have the opportunity to work on interesting projects and collaborate with other engineers to solve complex problems. You’ll also have the opportunity to mentor and train junior developers and work with other teams, such as product, marketing, and customer service, to ensure the best possible user experience.

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Frequently asked questions in the past

1. Optimizing an existing web application for better performance Optimizing an existing web application for better performance is essential for a successful website. By focusing on improving speed and scalability, we can make sure users are getting the most out of the application. We can do this by reducing server response times, minimizing HTTP requests, and compressing resources. Additionally, we can use caching, minification, and CDN services to further enhance performance. These strategies can help make sure users have a smooth and seamless experience. 2. Building a dynamic front-end application Building a dynamic front-end application is the key to creating a great user experience. It involves using modern web technologies to create interactive, responsive, and engaging interfaces that are tailored to meet the needs of the user. Some of the tools used include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various libraries and frameworks. With the right combination, you can create a powerful, yet user-friendly application. 3. Creating a system to process and analyze user data Creating a system to process and analyze user data can help organizations make informed decisions, maximize efficiency, and optimize customer experience. This system leverages cutting-edge technology to quickly and accurately analyze data, identify trends, and uncover insights. It is designed to be flexible, scalable, and secure, providing organizations with powerful data insights. 4. Designing an AI-powered system for automated customer service Designing an AI-powered system for automated customer service is an exciting opportunity to create a personalized and efficient customer experience. Our system will use advanced artificial intelligence and natural language processing to understand customer inquiries and provide quick and accurate responses. With this AI-powered system, customers will have access to 24/7 support and receive fast and accurate answers to their questions, allowing for a seamless and enjoyable customer experience. 5. Building an API for a mobile application Building an API for a mobile application is an essential part of modern software development. It provides an interface between the mobile app and the backend, allowing data to flow between the two. This allows for a seamless user experience and efficient data management. With an API, developers can easily create, update, and delete data in an efficient and secure manner. This makes it a powerful tool for creating powerful mobile applications. 6. Building an automated system to monitor system performance Building an automated system to monitor system performance is a great way to ensure optimal performance and reliability of your infrastructure. It will track and report on CPU, memory, and disk usage, as well as alert you to any potential issues. This system will help you identify and address any performance bottlenecks quickly and easily. 7. Creating a system to track and report website performance metrics Creating a system to track and report website performance metrics is essential for any business or organization looking to optimize their online presence. This system provides a comprehensive view of how visitors interact with the website, including page views, bounce rates, user behavior, and other key metrics. It also provides detailed reporting to help measure and analyze website performance over time. With this system, businesses can make informed decisions to improve website performance and increase visitor satisfaction. 8. Building a system for real-time analytics and reporting Building a system for real-time analytics and reporting is a powerful tool to help businesses and organizations make decisions quickly and effectively. It provides insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and other key performance indicators to help identify potential opportunities and threats. This system also enables users to share and collaborate on data in real-time, enabling more informed decision-making. 9. Developing a system to support user segmentation Developing a system to support user segmentation requires careful planning and thoughtful execution. It involves collecting user data, analyzing the data, and creating segmentation criteria based on user profiles. This system should be tailored to the needs of the business, ensuring that it meets user needs and drives growth. It should be easy to use and understand, enabling users to quickly identify the key trends and opportunities. Ultimately, this system should provide an effective way to divide users into distinct categories, enabling more targeted marketing and product experiences. 10. Building a fully-functional mobile application Building a fully-functional mobile application can be a daunting task, but with the right plan, tools, and team it can be achievable. From developing a concept to designing and coding, all the way to testing, deployment, and launch, each step must be carefully considered for a successful outcome. With the right strategy and resources, an amazing, user-friendly mobile app can be created. 11. Developing a system to automate data backups Developing a system to automate data backups is essential for any organization to ensure the security and reliability of their data. This system allows for regular, scheduled backups to be taken without any manual intervention, providing a reliable and secure way to protect important data from accidental loss or corruption. The system also provides an efficient way to quickly restore data if necessary. 12. Developing a fully-functional mobile application The development of a fully-functional mobile application is an exciting and rewarding undertaking. It requires an understanding of the user experience, a well-defined strategy, and a structured plan. The process involves designing, coding, and testing the app to ensure it meets the user's expectations. With the right expertise and dedication, a successful mobile application can be developed that can help businesses reach new audiences, increase revenue, and improve customer satisfaction. 13. Developing a system for automated performance monitoring and optimization Developing a system for automated performance monitoring and optimization is a great way to increase efficiency and improve results. With the right system in place, you can track performance in real time and make real-time adjustments to maximize effectiveness. Automated performance monitoring and optimization can help you save time and resources while achieving better results. 14. Creating a system to support automated deployment of web applications Creating a system to support automated deployment of web applications is a powerful way to streamline the process of releasing code to production. This system allows for faster and more reliable deployment, with features such as automated testing, version control, and configuration management. By automating the deployment process, teams can focus their time and energy on other aspects of development. 15. Designing a system to support automated deployment of web applications Designing a system to support automated deployment of web applications requires careful planning and execution. The system should enable the rapid deployment of code and configurations, provide visibility into the process, and ensure repeatable results. It should also enable simplified testing and rollback of changes. Ultimately, the system should enable the fast and reliable deployment of web applications. 16. Developing an automated system for user notifications Developing an automated system for user notifications is a great way to streamline communication. This system will provide users with real-time notifications, ensuring they are always up to date and informed. It is a powerful tool which can save time and money, while improving user experience. With the help of this system, users can be kept informed without manual effort. 17. Designing an automated system for data validation Designing an automated system for data validation requires careful consideration of the data sources, target applications, and desired outcomes. An effective system should provide accurate, reliable, and timely validation of data, while adhering to industry standards and best practices. The system should be designed with scalability and flexibility in mind, to ensure it can accommodate future growth. Automated data validation can help to improve data quality, reduce manual labour and errors, and enhance data integrity. 18. Building a distributed system for data storage and analysis Building a distributed system for data storage and analysis involves combining the power of multiple computers, networks and storage devices to create a powerful, reliable and secure system. It allows for large-scale data storage and analysis, giving users access to vast amounts of data from different sources. It also provides redundancy and scalability, helping to ensure that the system is always available and can grow as needed. 19. Integrating a third-party API into a web application Integrating a third-party API into a web application can be a powerful tool to extend the functionality of your product. It enables you to easily access and process external data, add features, and create automated workflows. The API integration process requires careful planning and execution, but the end result can dramatically enhance the user experience and provide a competitive edge. 20. Developing a system to support automated data migration We are developing a system to support automated data migration. This system will enable users to quickly and securely transfer data from one location to another, reducing the time and effort associated with manual data migration. The system will also ensure accuracy and consistency throughout the process. Our system will incorporate modern technology and user-friendly tools to ensure a smooth and efficient transition. 21. Developing a distributed system to support real-time data processing We are developing a distributed system to support real-time data processing. This system will enable users to quickly and efficiently process large volumes of data in real-time. It will provide scalability, robustness, and reliability for mission-critical applications. The system will also provide a wide range of data processing capabilities, including stream processing and analytics. Our distributed system will provide unparalleled performance, scalability, and reliability for real-time data processing. 22. Developing a system to support automated data cleaning and analysis Developing a system to support automated data cleaning and analysis is a great way to streamline data processing. It enables faster, more accurate data analysis with less manual effort. The system can identify and correct errors, remove redundant data, and verify data accuracy. It can also provide automated visualizations to quickly identify trends and outliers. With the right system in place, data cleaning and analysis can be a breeze. 23. Building a system to track and report website performance metrics Building a system to track and report website performance metrics can help businesses optimize their presence online. This system will enable users to measure website traffic, page loading times, total conversions and other key metrics. It can also provide detailed insights into user behaviour and engagement. With this system in place, businesses can make informed decisions to improve their website performance. 24. Creating a system for managing user account information Creating a system for managing user account information is essential for maintaining the security of your data. It helps you organize user data, track user activity, and secure user data from malicious access. This system should include user authentication, access control, data encryption, monitoring, and backup. With the right system, you can ensure your user data is secure and accessible. 25. Creating a scalable web application Creating a scalable web application is essential for businesses to stay agile and competitive. It requires careful planning, architecture design, and careful implementation to ensure that the application meets the demands of the organization. The application must be able to scale up or down as needed and remain secure, reliable and available at all times. It must also be able to integrate with existing systems and have the ability to be easily maintained. 26. Array vs ArrayList in Java Array and ArrayList are two of the most commonly used data structures in Java. An array is a fixed-size collection of elements of the same type, whereas an ArrayList is a dynamic data structure that can grow and shrink as needed. Array elements are accessed via index, whereas ArrayList elements are accessed using Iterator. ArrayList is more flexible and easier to use than Array. 27. 7 Best Sites for Free Web Hosting Finding a reliable and free web hosting service can be difficult. Luckily, there are seven best sites that can provide reliable, secure, and free web hosting services. These include Freehostia, 1Freehosting, AwardSpace, InfinityFree,,, and x10hosting. With these sites, you can easily create your own website, blog, or store with no cost. Get ready to take your business to the next level! 28. Types of Internet Connection Internet connections come in many forms, from dial-up to fiber optics. Dial-up is the most basic type, using a modem to connect to a telephone line. Broadband is a faster connection, such as DSL or cable, that provides a more reliable connection. Fiber optics is the fastest and most reliable connection, using light to transmit data. Wireless is the most flexible choice, allowing access on the go. Satellite is ideal for remote areas, using a dish to access a signal. No matter the type of connection, the internet has become an essential part of everyday life. 29. Python - Removing Newline Character from String Python is a powerful, versatile and easy-to-learn programming language. It is used to develop software applications, websites, games and data analysis. Python is a great choice for beginners due to its simple and intuitive syntax. It also provides powerful libraries and tools for more advanced developers. One of the most common tasks in Python is removing newline characters from strings. This can be done using built-in methods such as strip(), replace() and split() or using regular expressions. With these powerful tools, you can easily make your strings look neat and clean. 30. Bar Plot in Matplotlib Matplotlib's Bar Plot is a powerful data visualization tool that allows users to easily create bar graphs. It enables users to compare values across categories, track changes over time, and display relationships between variables. It is an effective way to visualize data quickly, enabling users to quickly identify trends and patterns. 31. How to Concatenate Two or More Pandas Dataframes Concatenating two or more Pandas Dataframes is a powerful way to combine data from multiple sources. This guide will show you how to do it quickly and easily. You'll learn about different methods for combining dataframes, and how to use them to create a single, unified dataframe. Additionally, you'll get tips on how to avoid common pitfalls and errors. Let's get started! 32. Difference Between C and C++ C and C++ are both programming languages used for software development. C is a procedural programming language, while C++ is an object-oriented programming language. C follows a strict set of rules for writing code, while C++ allows for more flexibility. C is a relatively basic language, while C++ is more complex and powerful. C is used mainly for system programming, while C++ is used for a variety of applications. 33. Reading CSV Files in Python Reading CSV Files in Python is a straightforward process. Using the csv module, we can easily read and write data from a CSV file. We can define the delimiter, the quote character, and how to handle quoting characters. We can also skip rows, set the maximum field size, and handle malformed lines. Additionally, we can use the Pandas library to further simplify the process and easily manipulate the data. 34. LRU Cache Implementation LRU Cache is an efficient data storage system that stores frequently used data items in a cache, while discarding the least recently used items. It's a useful technique for improving the performance of applications, as it helps to reduce the amount of time needed to access data from the underlying data store. LRU Cache implementation allows quick access to frequently used items, while minimizing the time needed to access rarely used ones. 35. Command Line Arguments in C/C++ Command line arguments (CLAs) in C/C++ are strings of text used to pass information to a program when it is executed. CLAs are typically passed after the program name, and can be used to modify how the program behaves or to provide data to be used by the program. CLAs can also be used to control the flow of the program and to access different parts of the program. CLAs are a powerful tool for making programs more flexible and powerful. 36. How to Read CSV Files with NumPy Reading CSV files with NumPy is a great way to quickly and easily load large amounts of data into Python. With NumPy, you can read in CSV files and access their contents in an organized and efficient way. This tutorial will walk you through the basics of how to read CSV files with NumPy, including how to import and parse the data, and how to access specific elements of the data set. 37. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a security system designed to detect malicious activity and alert administrators when a potential cyber threat is detected. It works by monitoring network traffic and recognizing suspicious behavior, such as unauthorized logins, data breaches, and malicious software. IDS is an important tool for protecting networks and data from potential threats. 38. Zip in Python Zip in Python is a convenient tool to quickly combine multiple iterables into a single iterable. It is a useful function for combining two or more lists, tuples, or other iterables into a single sequence. Zip provides a simple and efficient way to loop through both iterables in parallel. It is also an excellent way to create dictionaries from two lists. Zip is an important part of Python and can be used to create powerful and dynamic programs. 39. Getter and Setter in Java Getter and Setter in Java are methods used to get and set the value of a private field. They provide encapsulation by preventing direct access to the private variables. Getters are used to access a private field and setters are used to modify the value of a private field. Getter and Setter methods allow greater control over how fields are accessed and modified. 40. SQL Query to Compare Two Dates SQL Query is a powerful language used to compare two dates. It allows us to query data from a database and compare two date fields to determine the difference between the two dates. SQL Query helps to identify the records in the database which match one or more criteria, such as finding records between two dates. By using comparison operators like '>', '

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