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Linked List MCQs for Data Structures: The Ultimate Prep Guide

by Interview Kickstart Team in Interview Questions
August 31, 2024

Linked List MCQs for Data Structures: The Ultimate Prep Guide

Last updated by Rishabh Dev Choudhary on Aug 30, 2024 at 04:34 PM | Reading time: 11 minutes

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In layman's terms, ‘data’ is used to refer to information regarding computers, whether it is stored or shared. Data can be in the form of numbers stored digitally in bits and bytes for convenience purposes.

What is Data, then? The answer is it is a cumulative set of facts, figures, values, or set of values in a particular format. The data, once stored in a single set, can be then subdivided into subsets that are known as the primary form of data. 

With the magnitude of data and the complexity increasing with due time, it is very crucial to organize the data so as to perform varied operations simultaneously. This is where the concept of data structure comes into play. Data structure presents the data in a way where it is easier for both developers and users to comprehend and thus ensure efficient implementation.

In this article, we will cover some of the commonly asked linked list MCQs about data structures and also explain them in brief. 

A Little About Data Structure and Linked List

The data structure is the organization of data in a particular way that the data flow enhances the efficiency of any program. It ensures an easy way of retrieving, organizing, storing, and usage of data. 

What is the importance of data structure?

The data structure has many advantages, such as:

  • When the data is in a particular order, then modification becomes easier
  • It saves an ample amount of time and memory space
  • It allows easy access to larger databases
  • The representation of data becomes easier

The data structure can be divided into:

  • Linear Data Structure: In this structure, the elements are arranged in only a single dimension
  • Non-linear Data Structure: In this structure, the elements are arranged in multiple dimensions.

Linked list is the most prominent linear data structure for handling dynamic web pages among developers. It consists of objects called nodes that can be stored in the memory randomly.

Top 30+ Linked List MCQs About Data Structures

The goal of learning more about the Data structures and their basics can be achieved by solving multiple questions related to this topic. To know about the data structure algorithms and their types and components, here is a curated list of MCQs that will help you:  

Q1. A Node in a Singly Linked List has:

  1. Data part
  2. Link part
  3. Both (A) and (B)
  4. None of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ about data structures is 'D' - None of the above

Q2. Which of the following is Not a Propery of the Algorithm?

  1. Input
  2. Output
  3. Range
  4. Correctness 

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - Range

Q3. Which of the following Should be the Value of Input in an Algorithm?

  1. <0
  2. =0
  3. >0
  4. Both (B) and (C )

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - Both (B) and (C )

Q4. How Many Steps can an Algorithm Handle?

  1. Finite
  2. Infinite
  3. 0
  4. 100

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'A' - Finite

Q5. How Many Fields does a Node Contain?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'A' - 2.

Q6. Is the Array Structure and Linked List the Same?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Maybe
  4. Not sure

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'B' - No.

Q7. ___________ Uses the Array Method:

  1. Caching
  2. Cookies
  3. Binary Search Tree
  4. Spatial locality

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - Spatial locality.

Q8. __________ is followed by a Queue

  1. Linear binary tree
  2. FIFO principle
  3. Array
  4. LIFO principle

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'B' - FIFO principle.

Q9. _________ is a Postfix Expression:

  1. a+b+c
  2. a+b-c
  3. abc*+de-+
  4. None of the following

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - abc*+de-+

Q10. __________ can be Used for Palindrome Testing.

  1. Heap
  2. Stack
  3. Tree
  4. Queue

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'B' - Stack

Q11. Which of the following is a Property of XOR Lists?

  1. X⊕0 = X
  2. X⊕0 = 1
  3. X⊕0 = 0
  4. None of the following

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'A' - X⊕0 = X

Q12. ________ is a Type of Tango Tree:

  1. Red-black tree
  2. Treap
  3. Suffix tree
  4. Binary Search Tree

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - Binary Search Tree

Q13. From Which Part of the Node Does Dequeue Omit Elements?

  1. Back-end
  2. Front-end
  3. Middle
  4. Random positions

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'B' - Front-end

Q14. _______ is the Application of Stack Data Structure:

  1. Recursion
  2. Space complexity
  3. Time complexity
  4. Both (C ) and (D)

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'A' - Recursion

Q15. ________ is the Most Go-To Technique for Handling Collisions:

  1. Linear channels
  2. Double chaining
  3. Singular channels
  4. Quadratic probing

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - Quadratic probing

Q16. ___________  Data Structure is used for Recursion.

  1. Queue
  2. List
  3. Stack
  4. Table

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - Stack

Q17. LIFO Stands for _________:

  1. Last In First Out
  2. Latest Intellectual Firmware Outlet
  3. Last Intellectual Framework Organisation
  4. None of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'A' - Last In First Out

Q18. Which of the following is a Type of Queue?

  1. Priority queue
  2. Ordinary queue
  3. Circular queue
  4. All of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - All of the above

Q19. ________ Data Structure Efficiently Searches for the Elements?

  1. Ternary tree
  2. 2-3 tree
  3. Treap
  4. AVL tree

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'B' - 2-3 tree

Q20. In Van Emde Boas Data Structure, ___________ is the Time Complexity to Search a Key or Integer.

  1. O(M)
  2. O(M/)
  3. O (log (log M))
  4. O/M

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - O (log (log M))

Q21. A Program 'P' in 500 Integers Ranging from [0….100] Representing the Scores of Players. To Print the Frequency of the Score Above 50, What is the Best Way to Store the Frequencies to Store P?

  1. An array of 50 integers
  2. An array of 100 integers
  3. An array of 500 integers
  4. An array of 1000 integers

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'A' - An array of 50 integers

Q22. Queue Data Structure is Applicable:

  1. When numerous consumers share a resource
  2. Balancing load
  3. When data is transferred in a way that the rate of receiving data is not the same as the sent
  4. All of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - All of the above

Q23. ________ can be used to Sort a Linked List:

  1. Insertion sort
  2. Merge sort
  3. Quick sort
  4. Both (A) and (B)

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - Both (A) and (B)

Q24. Which of the following Data Structures is Used in Single Chaining?

  1. Singly-linked list
  2. Doubly linked list
  3. Circular linked list
  4. Treap tree

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'B' - Doubly linked list

Q25. ___________ is a Disadvantage of Using an Array as a Function:

  1. Uniform size
  2. No more wastage of storage
  3. Access to files at a particular position
  4. None of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - Access to files at a particular position

Q26. ______ is an Application of Linked List:

  1. File system implementation
  2. Chaining separate
  3. Access of elements randomly 
  4. Implementation of general tree

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - Access of elements randomly 

Q27. Which of the following Does a Linked List Not Contain?

  1. Data
  2. A pointer to the next respective node
  3. A pointer to the designated linked list
  4. A pointer to the previous node

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - A pointer to the designated linked list

Q28. _________ is When START=NULL in Linked List:

  1. Housefull
  2. Overflow
  3. Underflow
  4. Saturated

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - Underflow

Q29. Which of the following is a Type of Linked List?

  1. Array linked list
  2. Hash linked list
  3. Hybrid linked list
  4. None of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - None of the above

Q30. The First Link of the Node of the List is _____ :

  1. Tail
  2. Head
  3. Initiator
  4. Terminator

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'B' - Head

Q31. What is the Process of Inserting an Element in a Queue Called?

  1. Push
  2. Enqueue 
  3. Pull
  4. Dequeue

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'B' - Enqueue 

Q32. Which of the following is a Type of Queue?

  1. Circular queue
  2. Priority queue
  3. Single-ended queue
  4. Both (A) and (B)

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - Both (A) and (B)

Q33. What is the Extra Element Known as at the Head of the Node of the Linked List?

  1. Bantinel
  2. Cantinel
  3. Sentinel
  4. Both (A) and (B)

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - Sentinel

Q34. The Deletion of a Queue is Called ____________:

  1. Priority queue
  2. Enqueue
  3. Dequeue
  4. None of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - Dequeue

Learn about The Data Structure Basics and Data Structure Algorithms with IK!

Unveil your talent to uplevel your skill set and become a master of data structures at Interview Kickstart. The IT industry has many well-paying jobs for data scientists who understand data structure and algorithms. Thus, unleash your potential and land a full-time paying job with the help of highly skilled instructors at IK. Sign up for IK's Full-Stack Engineering Interview Masterclass to upskill yourself and crack an interview with the curated set of interview questions and courses. 

FAQs: Linked List MCQs for Data Structure Algorithms

Q1. What are the Types of Data Structures?

The basic data structures are:

  • Linear Data Structures: It includes arrays of groups of data enabled with specific memory locations that can be accessed using linked lists.
  • Tree Data Structures: Its structure is hierarchical with subsets that are referred to as linked notes. They include binary trees, red-black trees, weight-balanced trees, binary search trees, and binary heaps.
  • Hash tables: They assign values and derive them using the help of high-level programming languages. It is of two types: separate chaining and linear probing.
  • Graph structures: They use the principles of graph theory to represent the direction of network flows. 

Q2. What is the Difference Between Linked Lists and Linked Arrays?

The differences between Linked lists, whether singly/ Doubly linked lists and Linked arrays:

  • Insertion and deletion are quite hard in linked arrays as they require movements. However, in the case of linked lists, the deletion and insertion of elements are quite easy and convenient.
  • Linked arrays are expensive in resources and spaces, while linked lists are quite the opposite. 
  • Listed arrays require the same time to call each element, whereas listed lists require different times to avail each element. 

Q3. Is Data Structure and Algorithm the Same?

Data structure and algorithms are completely different theories. Data structures are the sorting and organizing of data that portrays the relationships between data elements. The algorithm is a set of instructions that all the components of the internet have to follow for successful task completion.

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Rishabh Dev Choudhary
The fast well prepared banner

In layman's terms, ‘data’ is used to refer to information regarding computers, whether it is stored or shared. Data can be in the form of numbers stored digitally in bits and bytes for convenience purposes.

What is Data, then? The answer is it is a cumulative set of facts, figures, values, or set of values in a particular format. The data, once stored in a single set, can be then subdivided into subsets that are known as the primary form of data. 

With the magnitude of data and the complexity increasing with due time, it is very crucial to organize the data so as to perform varied operations simultaneously. This is where the concept of data structure comes into play. Data structure presents the data in a way where it is easier for both developers and users to comprehend and thus ensure efficient implementation.

In this article, we will cover some of the commonly asked linked list MCQs about data structures and also explain them in brief. 

A Little About Data Structure and Linked List

The data structure is the organization of data in a particular way that the data flow enhances the efficiency of any program. It ensures an easy way of retrieving, organizing, storing, and usage of data. 

What is the importance of data structure?

The data structure has many advantages, such as:

  • When the data is in a particular order, then modification becomes easier
  • It saves an ample amount of time and memory space
  • It allows easy access to larger databases
  • The representation of data becomes easier

The data structure can be divided into:

  • Linear Data Structure: In this structure, the elements are arranged in only a single dimension
  • Non-linear Data Structure: In this structure, the elements are arranged in multiple dimensions.

Linked list is the most prominent linear data structure for handling dynamic web pages among developers. It consists of objects called nodes that can be stored in the memory randomly.

Top 30+ Linked List MCQs About Data Structures

The goal of learning more about the Data structures and their basics can be achieved by solving multiple questions related to this topic. To know about the data structure algorithms and their types and components, here is a curated list of MCQs that will help you:  

Q1. A Node in a Singly Linked List has:

  1. Data part
  2. Link part
  3. Both (A) and (B)
  4. None of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ about data structures is 'D' - None of the above

Q2. Which of the following is Not a Propery of the Algorithm?

  1. Input
  2. Output
  3. Range
  4. Correctness 

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - Range

Q3. Which of the following Should be the Value of Input in an Algorithm?

  1. <0
  2. =0
  3. >0
  4. Both (B) and (C )

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - Both (B) and (C )

Q4. How Many Steps can an Algorithm Handle?

  1. Finite
  2. Infinite
  3. 0
  4. 100

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'A' - Finite

Q5. How Many Fields does a Node Contain?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'A' - 2.

Q6. Is the Array Structure and Linked List the Same?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Maybe
  4. Not sure

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'B' - No.

Q7. ___________ Uses the Array Method:

  1. Caching
  2. Cookies
  3. Binary Search Tree
  4. Spatial locality

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - Spatial locality.

Q8. __________ is followed by a Queue

  1. Linear binary tree
  2. FIFO principle
  3. Array
  4. LIFO principle

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'B' - FIFO principle.

Q9. _________ is a Postfix Expression:

  1. a+b+c
  2. a+b-c
  3. abc*+de-+
  4. None of the following

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - abc*+de-+

Q10. __________ can be Used for Palindrome Testing.

  1. Heap
  2. Stack
  3. Tree
  4. Queue

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'B' - Stack

Q11. Which of the following is a Property of XOR Lists?

  1. X⊕0 = X
  2. X⊕0 = 1
  3. X⊕0 = 0
  4. None of the following

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'A' - X⊕0 = X

Q12. ________ is a Type of Tango Tree:

  1. Red-black tree
  2. Treap
  3. Suffix tree
  4. Binary Search Tree

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - Binary Search Tree

Q13. From Which Part of the Node Does Dequeue Omit Elements?

  1. Back-end
  2. Front-end
  3. Middle
  4. Random positions

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'B' - Front-end

Q14. _______ is the Application of Stack Data Structure:

  1. Recursion
  2. Space complexity
  3. Time complexity
  4. Both (C ) and (D)

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'A' - Recursion

Q15. ________ is the Most Go-To Technique for Handling Collisions:

  1. Linear channels
  2. Double chaining
  3. Singular channels
  4. Quadratic probing

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - Quadratic probing

Q16. ___________  Data Structure is used for Recursion.

  1. Queue
  2. List
  3. Stack
  4. Table

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - Stack

Q17. LIFO Stands for _________:

  1. Last In First Out
  2. Latest Intellectual Firmware Outlet
  3. Last Intellectual Framework Organisation
  4. None of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'A' - Last In First Out

Q18. Which of the following is a Type of Queue?

  1. Priority queue
  2. Ordinary queue
  3. Circular queue
  4. All of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - All of the above

Q19. ________ Data Structure Efficiently Searches for the Elements?

  1. Ternary tree
  2. 2-3 tree
  3. Treap
  4. AVL tree

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'B' - 2-3 tree

Q20. In Van Emde Boas Data Structure, ___________ is the Time Complexity to Search a Key or Integer.

  1. O(M)
  2. O(M/)
  3. O (log (log M))
  4. O/M

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - O (log (log M))

Q21. A Program 'P' in 500 Integers Ranging from [0….100] Representing the Scores of Players. To Print the Frequency of the Score Above 50, What is the Best Way to Store the Frequencies to Store P?

  1. An array of 50 integers
  2. An array of 100 integers
  3. An array of 500 integers
  4. An array of 1000 integers

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'A' - An array of 50 integers

Q22. Queue Data Structure is Applicable:

  1. When numerous consumers share a resource
  2. Balancing load
  3. When data is transferred in a way that the rate of receiving data is not the same as the sent
  4. All of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - All of the above

Q23. ________ can be used to Sort a Linked List:

  1. Insertion sort
  2. Merge sort
  3. Quick sort
  4. Both (A) and (B)

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - Both (A) and (B)

Q24. Which of the following Data Structures is Used in Single Chaining?

  1. Singly-linked list
  2. Doubly linked list
  3. Circular linked list
  4. Treap tree

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'B' - Doubly linked list

Q25. ___________ is a Disadvantage of Using an Array as a Function:

  1. Uniform size
  2. No more wastage of storage
  3. Access to files at a particular position
  4. None of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - Access to files at a particular position

Q26. ______ is an Application of Linked List:

  1. File system implementation
  2. Chaining separate
  3. Access of elements randomly 
  4. Implementation of general tree

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - Access of elements randomly 

Q27. Which of the following Does a Linked List Not Contain?

  1. Data
  2. A pointer to the next respective node
  3. A pointer to the designated linked list
  4. A pointer to the previous node

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - A pointer to the designated linked list

Q28. _________ is When START=NULL in Linked List:

  1. Housefull
  2. Overflow
  3. Underflow
  4. Saturated

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - Underflow

Q29. Which of the following is a Type of Linked List?

  1. Array linked list
  2. Hash linked list
  3. Hybrid linked list
  4. None of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - None of the above

Q30. The First Link of the Node of the List is _____ :

  1. Tail
  2. Head
  3. Initiator
  4. Terminator

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'B' - Head

Q31. What is the Process of Inserting an Element in a Queue Called?

  1. Push
  2. Enqueue 
  3. Pull
  4. Dequeue

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'B' - Enqueue 

Q32. Which of the following is a Type of Queue?

  1. Circular queue
  2. Priority queue
  3. Single-ended queue
  4. Both (A) and (B)

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'D' - Both (A) and (B)

Q33. What is the Extra Element Known as at the Head of the Node of the Linked List?

  1. Bantinel
  2. Cantinel
  3. Sentinel
  4. Both (A) and (B)

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - Sentinel

Q34. The Deletion of a Queue is Called ____________:

  1. Priority queue
  2. Enqueue
  3. Dequeue
  4. None of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this linked list MCQ for data structures is 'C' - Dequeue

Learn about The Data Structure Basics and Data Structure Algorithms with IK!

Unveil your talent to uplevel your skill set and become a master of data structures at Interview Kickstart. The IT industry has many well-paying jobs for data scientists who understand data structure and algorithms. Thus, unleash your potential and land a full-time paying job with the help of highly skilled instructors at IK. Sign up for IK's Full-Stack Engineering Interview Masterclass to upskill yourself and crack an interview with the curated set of interview questions and courses. 

FAQs: Linked List MCQs for Data Structure Algorithms

Q1. What are the Types of Data Structures?

The basic data structures are:

  • Linear Data Structures: It includes arrays of groups of data enabled with specific memory locations that can be accessed using linked lists.
  • Tree Data Structures: Its structure is hierarchical with subsets that are referred to as linked notes. They include binary trees, red-black trees, weight-balanced trees, binary search trees, and binary heaps.
  • Hash tables: They assign values and derive them using the help of high-level programming languages. It is of two types: separate chaining and linear probing.
  • Graph structures: They use the principles of graph theory to represent the direction of network flows. 

Q2. What is the Difference Between Linked Lists and Linked Arrays?

The differences between Linked lists, whether singly/ Doubly linked lists and Linked arrays:

  • Insertion and deletion are quite hard in linked arrays as they require movements. However, in the case of linked lists, the deletion and insertion of elements are quite easy and convenient.
  • Linked arrays are expensive in resources and spaces, while linked lists are quite the opposite. 
  • Listed arrays require the same time to call each element, whereas listed lists require different times to avail each element. 

Q3. Is Data Structure and Algorithm the Same?

Data structure and algorithms are completely different theories. Data structures are the sorting and organizing of data that portrays the relationships between data elements. The algorithm is a set of instructions that all the components of the internet have to follow for successful task completion.

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