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Cloud Computing MCQs for IT Professionals: Essential Questions and Answers

by Interview Kickstart Team in Interview Questions
September 3, 2024

Cloud Computing MCQs for IT Professionals: Essential Questions and Answers

Last updated by Rishabh Dev Choudhary on Aug 31, 2024 at 02:13 PM | Reading time: 9 minutes

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In recent years, the role of cloud computing has become crucial for businesses. As a result, the demand for such professionals has increased significantly. To get a job in this role, you need to learn and understand the cloud computing MCQs for IT professionals. 

According to a report, the cloud computing market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 16.40% by 2029 and reach $1.44 trillion. This intense growth rate shows how much importance cloud computing holds for businesses and individuals. However, with the demand, there is an increased requirement for cloud computing professionals who have an in-depth understanding of cloud technology basics and advanced knowledge of Azure fundamentals, AWS, and more. 

If you are planning to pursue your career as a cloud computing professional but find a challenge in clearing interviews in high-tech companies, Interview Kickstart is ready to train you. Our programs are specially curated by FAANG+ company experts that enable you to understand the trends, patterns, and ways to crack interviews!

In this article, we have explained what is cloud computing in brief. We then share the commonly asked cloud computing MCQs for IT professionals. These questions will help you ace the basic and advanced-level interview questions. 

Understanding Cloud Computing 

Cloud computing refers to the on-demand access of computing resources. These may include data storage, virtual servers or physical servers, application development tools, networking capabilities, AI-powered analytic tools, software, and much more over the internet. Cloud computing models provide users with scalability and flexibility with pay-per-use pricing.

Cloud computing is used for multiple purposes, involving testing and development, backup and recovery, antivirus applications, online data storage, e-commerce applications, big data analysis, and much more over a diverse range of industries.

Cloud Computing MCQs for IT Professionals

Let us begin with our assessment via Cloud computing MCQs.

1. ________ is Cloud by Amazon.

  1. Amazon Web Service (AWS)

  2. Azure

  3. Cloudera

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - Amazon Web Service (AWS)

2. Cloud Computing Features Involve:

  1. Large network access

  2. Security

  3. Availability

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘D’ - All of the above 

3. Cloud Computing is Beneficial for Green Computing Because:

  1. It enables multiple users to share processing power, eliminating the requirement for individual software and hardware

  2. It permits users to work with more hardware

  3. It allows users to work with more software

  4. None of the above

Answer: A. It enables multiple users to share processing power, eliminating the requirement for individual software and hardware

4. Choose the Appropriate Example of the Cloud.

  1. Dropbox

  2. Cisco WebEx

  3. Amazon Web Service (AWS)

  4. All of the above 

Answer: A. All of the above 

5. Which of the Following Offers Virtual Machines (VMs) in the Cloud?

  1. PaaS

  2. IaaS

  3. SaaS

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘B’ - IaaS

6. _______ Encompasses the Special Type of Services that Users can Access on Cloud Computing Platforms.

  1. Deployment 

  2. Application 

  3. Planning 

  4. Service 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘D’ - Service 

7. In the Realm of Cloud Computing, EC2 is Renowned as ________.

  1. Cloud storage 

  2. PaaS

  3. SoA

  4. Virtual machine 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘D’ - Virtual machine

8. ________ Behaves Like a Monitor’s Entry Point and Reroutes the Instructions of Virtual Machines.

  1. Allocator

  2. Dispatcher 

  3. Interpreter 

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘B’ - Dispatcher 

9. Which of the Following are the Characteristics of Cloud Computing?

  1. Maintenance 

  2. Cost reductions 

  3. Reliability

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘D’ - All of the above 

10. Kubernetes is:

  1. A type of cloud that enables users to build software

  2. A visualization technology that enables multiple virtual machines to run on one single machine

  3. A container orchestration platform

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘C’ - A container orchestration platform

11. ________ Monitors the Performance of the Majority of Cloud-Based Services in Real-Time Cloud Commons.

  1. CloudSensors

  2. CloudMetrics 

  3. CloudWatch

  4. None of the above 

Answer: a. CloudSensors 

12. ________ Refers to the Most Crucial Element in Cloud Computing by CSA.

  1. Reliability 

  2. Productivity 

  3. Abstraction

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘C’ - Abstraction 

13. Virtualization contributes to Green Computing by:

  1. Reducing the system’s efficiency 

  2. Reducing the number of physical hardware used

  3. Increasing physical hardware uses

  4. Decreasing the requirement for individual software purchases 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘B’ - Reducing the number of physical hardware used

14. Which of the Following Services is Built on Cloud Computing technology?

  1. Skype

  2. Twitter

  3. Gmail

  4. All of the above 

Answer: D - All of the above 

15. ________ is Associated with Services Offered by Cloud.

  1. PaaS

  2. Ownership

  3. Reliability

  4. Sourcing

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘D’ - Sourcing 

16. A Process of Connecting and Managing Cloud Computing Resources Over a Network is Called _______.

  1. Cloud networking

  2. Cloud backup

  3. Cloud storage

  4. Cloud automation

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - Cloud networking 

17. A Load Balancer is Defined as:

  1. A device that distributes network traffic over various servers to ensure that not even a single server becomes overloaded

  2. A device that offers network connectivity

  3. A device that enables users to detect and prevent security threats

  4. All of the above 

Answer: A - A device that distributes network traffic over various servers to ensure that not even a single server becomes overloaded

18. Which of the Following Refers to Server Virtualization?

  1. Process of running numerous VMs on a single physical server

  2. Process of running multiple virtualized applications on physical servers

  3. Process of enabling users to access multiple data at a time

  4. Process of running physical servers on a virtualized network (VN)

Answer: A - Process of running numerous VMs on a single physical server

19. Disadvantages of Cloud Computing Include:

  1. Limited control

  2. Vendor lock-in

  3. Internet connectivity

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘D’ - All of the above 

20. From the Following AWS Services, Which can be Used to Scale EC2 Instances Automatically With Respect to Demand?

  1. Amazon Route S3

  2. AWS Elastic Beanstalk 

  3. AWS Lambda

  4. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘D’ - Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

21. PaaS in Cloud Computing Offers:

  1. Run time environment 

  2. System time

  3. Software time

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - Run time environment 

22. Cloud Computing Architecture is a Combination of ______.

  1. Utility computing and event-driven architecture 

  2. Service-oriented and event-driven architecture 

  3. Service-oriented and grid computing 

  4. Visualization and service-oriented architecture 

Answer: B - Service-oriented and event-driven architecture 

23. _________ AWS Service is Used to Launch and Manage Virtual Servers in the Cloud.

  1. Amazon EC2

  2. Amazon S3

  3. Amazon RDS

  4. AWS Lambda

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - Amazon EC2

24. From the Following Companies, ________ is not a Leader in Cloud Computing.

  1. Blackboard

  2. Google

  3. Amazon

  4. Microsoft 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - Blackboard

25. AWS Cloud Formation is Purposely Used for _______.

  1. Automating and deploying infrastructure as code

  2. Storing and managing virtual services

  3. Configuring network security groups 

  4. Analyzing and deploying datasets

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - Automating and deploying infrastructure as code

26. Choose a Valid Statement for Cloud Computing.

  1. Cloud computing makes our business applications collaborative and mobile

  2. Cloud is platform-dependent 

  3. Cloud computing offers us a medium to access applications as utilities over computer systems only

  4. All of the above 

Answer: A - Cloud computing makes our business applications mobile and collaborative

27. Google App Engine Follows _______ Cloud Computing Model.

  1. PaaS

  2. IaaS

  3. SaaS

  4. All of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - PaaS

28. There are _____ Types of Google Cloud Load Balancers.

  1. 6

  2. 4

  3. 8

  4. 3

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - 6

29. Which of the following is the Second Programming Language that Google Added for App Engine Development?

  1. Java

  2. Flash

  3. C++

  4. Virtual Basics

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - Java

Ace Your Next Cloud Computing Interview with IK!

Now that you have had a sneak peek into how cloud computing MCQs for IT professionals are asked with different complexity levels, you must have evaluated your preparedness. With the right approach and guidance, you can excel in interviews with high-tech companies, whether it's AWS MCQs, Azure fundamentals, or others. 

Interview Kickstart brings you Early Engineering Interview Masterclass course, curated by FAANG+  cloud computing experts. Leverage the power of live training sessions, coding classes, mock tests, exposure to opportunities, the latest trends in the job market, and more. Get to know our success stories from 17,000+ tech professionals, and join us for your career skill development.

FAQs: Cloud Computing MCQs for IT Professionals

Q1. Who Invented Cloud Computing?

J. C. R. Licklider invented cloud computing in the 1960s.

Q2. What are the Disadvantages of Cloud Computing?

Disadvantages of cloud computing may involve data leakage, denial of service attacks, data theft or data loss, service or account hijacking, technology vulnerabilities, and insecure interfaces and APIs.

Q3. What is Cloud Scalability?

Cloud scalability refers to the capability to increase or reduce IT resources with respect to the requirement to meet the ever-changing demands.

Q4. What are the Components of Cloud Architecture?

Cloud architecture components are as follows:

  1. Cloud-based delivery model 

  2. A network (internet, intranet, or intercloud)

  3. A frontend platform

  4. A backend platform

Q5. Give Some Examples of Cloud Platforms for Data Storage.

A few data storage cloud platforms are OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, and Google Drive.

Related reads:

Rishabh Dev Choudhary
The fast well prepared banner

In recent years, the role of cloud computing has become crucial for businesses. As a result, the demand for such professionals has increased significantly. To get a job in this role, you need to learn and understand the cloud computing MCQs for IT professionals. 

According to a report, the cloud computing market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 16.40% by 2029 and reach $1.44 trillion. This intense growth rate shows how much importance cloud computing holds for businesses and individuals. However, with the demand, there is an increased requirement for cloud computing professionals who have an in-depth understanding of cloud technology basics and advanced knowledge of Azure fundamentals, AWS, and more. 

If you are planning to pursue your career as a cloud computing professional but find a challenge in clearing interviews in high-tech companies, Interview Kickstart is ready to train you. Our programs are specially curated by FAANG+ company experts that enable you to understand the trends, patterns, and ways to crack interviews!

In this article, we have explained what is cloud computing in brief. We then share the commonly asked cloud computing MCQs for IT professionals. These questions will help you ace the basic and advanced-level interview questions. 

Understanding Cloud Computing 

Cloud computing refers to the on-demand access of computing resources. These may include data storage, virtual servers or physical servers, application development tools, networking capabilities, AI-powered analytic tools, software, and much more over the internet. Cloud computing models provide users with scalability and flexibility with pay-per-use pricing.

Cloud computing is used for multiple purposes, involving testing and development, backup and recovery, antivirus applications, online data storage, e-commerce applications, big data analysis, and much more over a diverse range of industries.

Cloud Computing MCQs for IT Professionals

Let us begin with our assessment via Cloud computing MCQs.

1. ________ is Cloud by Amazon.

  1. Amazon Web Service (AWS)

  2. Azure

  3. Cloudera

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - Amazon Web Service (AWS)

2. Cloud Computing Features Involve:

  1. Large network access

  2. Security

  3. Availability

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘D’ - All of the above 

3. Cloud Computing is Beneficial for Green Computing Because:

  1. It enables multiple users to share processing power, eliminating the requirement for individual software and hardware

  2. It permits users to work with more hardware

  3. It allows users to work with more software

  4. None of the above

Answer: A. It enables multiple users to share processing power, eliminating the requirement for individual software and hardware

4. Choose the Appropriate Example of the Cloud.

  1. Dropbox

  2. Cisco WebEx

  3. Amazon Web Service (AWS)

  4. All of the above 

Answer: A. All of the above 

5. Which of the Following Offers Virtual Machines (VMs) in the Cloud?

  1. PaaS

  2. IaaS

  3. SaaS

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘B’ - IaaS

6. _______ Encompasses the Special Type of Services that Users can Access on Cloud Computing Platforms.

  1. Deployment 

  2. Application 

  3. Planning 

  4. Service 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘D’ - Service 

7. In the Realm of Cloud Computing, EC2 is Renowned as ________.

  1. Cloud storage 

  2. PaaS

  3. SoA

  4. Virtual machine 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘D’ - Virtual machine

8. ________ Behaves Like a Monitor’s Entry Point and Reroutes the Instructions of Virtual Machines.

  1. Allocator

  2. Dispatcher 

  3. Interpreter 

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘B’ - Dispatcher 

9. Which of the Following are the Characteristics of Cloud Computing?

  1. Maintenance 

  2. Cost reductions 

  3. Reliability

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘D’ - All of the above 

10. Kubernetes is:

  1. A type of cloud that enables users to build software

  2. A visualization technology that enables multiple virtual machines to run on one single machine

  3. A container orchestration platform

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘C’ - A container orchestration platform

11. ________ Monitors the Performance of the Majority of Cloud-Based Services in Real-Time Cloud Commons.

  1. CloudSensors

  2. CloudMetrics 

  3. CloudWatch

  4. None of the above 

Answer: a. CloudSensors 

12. ________ Refers to the Most Crucial Element in Cloud Computing by CSA.

  1. Reliability 

  2. Productivity 

  3. Abstraction

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘C’ - Abstraction 

13. Virtualization contributes to Green Computing by:

  1. Reducing the system’s efficiency 

  2. Reducing the number of physical hardware used

  3. Increasing physical hardware uses

  4. Decreasing the requirement for individual software purchases 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘B’ - Reducing the number of physical hardware used

14. Which of the Following Services is Built on Cloud Computing technology?

  1. Skype

  2. Twitter

  3. Gmail

  4. All of the above 

Answer: D - All of the above 

15. ________ is Associated with Services Offered by Cloud.

  1. PaaS

  2. Ownership

  3. Reliability

  4. Sourcing

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘D’ - Sourcing 

16. A Process of Connecting and Managing Cloud Computing Resources Over a Network is Called _______.

  1. Cloud networking

  2. Cloud backup

  3. Cloud storage

  4. Cloud automation

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - Cloud networking 

17. A Load Balancer is Defined as:

  1. A device that distributes network traffic over various servers to ensure that not even a single server becomes overloaded

  2. A device that offers network connectivity

  3. A device that enables users to detect and prevent security threats

  4. All of the above 

Answer: A - A device that distributes network traffic over various servers to ensure that not even a single server becomes overloaded

18. Which of the Following Refers to Server Virtualization?

  1. Process of running numerous VMs on a single physical server

  2. Process of running multiple virtualized applications on physical servers

  3. Process of enabling users to access multiple data at a time

  4. Process of running physical servers on a virtualized network (VN)

Answer: A - Process of running numerous VMs on a single physical server

19. Disadvantages of Cloud Computing Include:

  1. Limited control

  2. Vendor lock-in

  3. Internet connectivity

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘D’ - All of the above 

20. From the Following AWS Services, Which can be Used to Scale EC2 Instances Automatically With Respect to Demand?

  1. Amazon Route S3

  2. AWS Elastic Beanstalk 

  3. AWS Lambda

  4. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘D’ - Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

21. PaaS in Cloud Computing Offers:

  1. Run time environment 

  2. System time

  3. Software time

  4. All of the above 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - Run time environment 

22. Cloud Computing Architecture is a Combination of ______.

  1. Utility computing and event-driven architecture 

  2. Service-oriented and event-driven architecture 

  3. Service-oriented and grid computing 

  4. Visualization and service-oriented architecture 

Answer: B - Service-oriented and event-driven architecture 

23. _________ AWS Service is Used to Launch and Manage Virtual Servers in the Cloud.

  1. Amazon EC2

  2. Amazon S3

  3. Amazon RDS

  4. AWS Lambda

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - Amazon EC2

24. From the Following Companies, ________ is not a Leader in Cloud Computing.

  1. Blackboard

  2. Google

  3. Amazon

  4. Microsoft 

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - Blackboard

25. AWS Cloud Formation is Purposely Used for _______.

  1. Automating and deploying infrastructure as code

  2. Storing and managing virtual services

  3. Configuring network security groups 

  4. Analyzing and deploying datasets

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - Automating and deploying infrastructure as code

26. Choose a Valid Statement for Cloud Computing.

  1. Cloud computing makes our business applications collaborative and mobile

  2. Cloud is platform-dependent 

  3. Cloud computing offers us a medium to access applications as utilities over computer systems only

  4. All of the above 

Answer: A - Cloud computing makes our business applications mobile and collaborative

27. Google App Engine Follows _______ Cloud Computing Model.

  1. PaaS

  2. IaaS

  3. SaaS

  4. All of the above

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - PaaS

28. There are _____ Types of Google Cloud Load Balancers.

  1. 6

  2. 4

  3. 8

  4. 3

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - 6

29. Which of the following is the Second Programming Language that Google Added for App Engine Development?

  1. Java

  2. Flash

  3. C++

  4. Virtual Basics

Answer: The correct answer to this cloud computing MCQ for IT professionals is ‘A’ - Java

Ace Your Next Cloud Computing Interview with IK!

Now that you have had a sneak peek into how cloud computing MCQs for IT professionals are asked with different complexity levels, you must have evaluated your preparedness. With the right approach and guidance, you can excel in interviews with high-tech companies, whether it's AWS MCQs, Azure fundamentals, or others. 

Interview Kickstart brings you Early Engineering Interview Masterclass course, curated by FAANG+  cloud computing experts. Leverage the power of live training sessions, coding classes, mock tests, exposure to opportunities, the latest trends in the job market, and more. Get to know our success stories from 17,000+ tech professionals, and join us for your career skill development.

FAQs: Cloud Computing MCQs for IT Professionals

Q1. Who Invented Cloud Computing?

J. C. R. Licklider invented cloud computing in the 1960s.

Q2. What are the Disadvantages of Cloud Computing?

Disadvantages of cloud computing may involve data leakage, denial of service attacks, data theft or data loss, service or account hijacking, technology vulnerabilities, and insecure interfaces and APIs.

Q3. What is Cloud Scalability?

Cloud scalability refers to the capability to increase or reduce IT resources with respect to the requirement to meet the ever-changing demands.

Q4. What are the Components of Cloud Architecture?

Cloud architecture components are as follows:

  1. Cloud-based delivery model 

  2. A network (internet, intranet, or intercloud)

  3. A frontend platform

  4. A backend platform

Q5. Give Some Examples of Cloud Platforms for Data Storage.

A few data storage cloud platforms are OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, and Google Drive.

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