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What Are Arrays in Java?

Last updated by Abhinav Rawat on Sep 25, 2024 at 10:57 PM | Reading time: 24 minutes

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What Are Arrays in Java?
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Whether you are a beginner or an experienced software developer, understanding arrays is crucial. Whether it’s for basic coding or implementing advanced algorithms for technical interview prep, software engineers can’t underestimate the importance of mastering arrays. In this article, we will learn all about arrays in Java. This should help coding engineers appreciate the nuanced differences in how arrays work in Java compared to languages like C or C++.

We will learn:

  • Introduction to Arrays in Java
  • What Is an Array in Java?
  • How to Define and Declare an Array in Java
  • How to Create an Array in Java
  • Types of Arrays
  • Initializing an Array in Java
  • Accessing Java Array Elements Using for Loop
  • Addition and Multiplication Using Java Arrays
  • The Arrays Class and Arrays Class Objects
  • Array Members
  • Passing Arrays to and Returning Arrays from Methods
  • Copying and Cloning using Java Arrays
  • Advantages and Disadvantages  of Arrays in Java
  • Interview Problems and Questions on Arrays in Java
  • FAQs on Arrays in Java

Introduction to Arrays in Java

Let’s start with the basics.

Array definition: An array is a data structure that stores a collection of homogenous data, i.e., the elements stored in an array are all of the same data type.

All the array elements are stored under the same array name, used along with the position index to refer to individual elements within the array. Array elements are always stored contiguously, i.e., array elements are stored in order, adjacent to each other. This makes it easy to determine the locations of individual elements.

Array in Java: While the basic array definition remains the same, there are some salient features of arrays in Java. For starters, unlike some other languages like C/C++, arrays are always dynamically allocated in Java. This means that exactly the amount of memory needed can be allocated, increasing storage efficiency. We’ll discuss more such differences between arrays in Java and arrays in other languages later in the article.

String Array in Java Example: Let us now explore arrays in Java through an example of a Java array that stores 5 string type elements (department names):

String[] departmentNames = new String[5];

Array size: 5 || First Index: 0 || Last Index: 4

Note that:

  • The array contains 5 elements, and the index goes from 0 to 4. An array of size N can contain N elements with indices ranging from 0 to N-1.
  • All the elements are of the type string, i.e., array elements are homogenous in type.
  • The size of the array is not mentioned in its declaration part, i.e., “=new String[5]” is not part of the declaration. The array size isn’t a factor we need to know when declaring an array in Java as memory is dynamically allocated.

How Do Arrays Work in Java?

Let us now discuss the ways arrays work in Java and, where appropriate, contrast it with how they work in other languages like C or C++:

  • Class and object: Type array is a direct subclass of the class Object. In other words, arrays are objects in Java. Length is defined as a property of an object of type array. This means that unlike C or C++, where we use sizeof(array), we can simply use the object property length as array.length to find the array size. The size of an array in java can’t be specified using long type, though using type int or short works.
  • Declaring an array variable: Declare by adding [] post the data type, which is followed by the array variable name. Example: int[] intArray; is an integer array variable declaration, while int intVariable; represents a variable storing an integer. We can also declare an array as int intArray[];.
  • Storage: The array elements are stored in contiguous locations for primitive data types. Java has 8 primitive data types: int, double, boolean, char, long, float, short, and byte.
  • Dynamic memory allocation: In Java, memory allocation for arrays always happens dynamically, unlike in C/C++ and array indices begin from zero.
  • Usage: Java arrays can be local variables, static variables, or arguments in a function (method parameters).
  • Heap for dynamic memory allocation: In Java, arrays can also store object references of a class (non-primitive data types). As it is for all objects in Java, in this case, all objects are stored in a heap. This is in contrast with C++, where allocation happens on heap if new(), malloc(), calloc(), or realloc() is used for allocating the object. Otherwise, unless the object is global or static, the allocation happens on a stack. Also, for all objects in Java, the memory is dynamically allocated.
  • Serialization and deserialization: The array class may need to convert an object into a stream of bytes (serialization) and recreate the stream of bytes into the original object (deserialization). For this, it implements the interface so it can make the Java object serializable. The array class also indicates it is legal for the method clone() to make a field copy of its instances by implementing the interface Cloneable.

How to Define and Declare an Array in Java

Array definition is concerned with the memory allocation of the array. Memory allocation happens during array definition, which tells us where the array will get stored. Array declaration in Java is concerned with the properties of the array. It is about informing the compiler what the name of the array is, the type of data it will store, and if there’s an initial value it takes.

Different types of arrays are defined slightly differently, although the format for array declaration remains the same. There are two parts to an array declaration in Java:

  • dataType represents the type of elements to be stored in the array and can be primitive data types like int, char, long, etc., as well as object data types like arrays, strings, classes, and interfaces that the user creates.
  • arrayName is an identifier representing the name of the array, which will also be associated with each element it stores.

Let us look at the format for declaring and defining different types of arrays:

One-dimensional array:

dataType arrayName[];
dataType[] arrayName;

Two-dimensional array:

dataType arrayName[][];
dataType[][] arrayName;

Multi-dimensional array (n dimensional):

dataType arrayName[][][]...n times;
dataType[][][]...n times arrayName;

Different types of array variables:

//One-dimensional arrays

char charElements[];

/*charElements is an array that stores elements of type char

or char[] charElements; */

//Two-dimensional arrays

int intElements[][];

float[][] floatElements;

//Multi-dimensional arrays

short shortElements[][][];

byte[][][][] byteElements;

// array of Strings, also array of an object.

/* Strings are objects in Java that are internally backed by char arrays. */

String[]  stringElements;

// an array of references to objects of a class

dessertClass dessertClassElements[];

How to Create an Array in Java

No physical array actually exists just by declaring the array variable. To link the declared array variable with an actual physical array, we need to allocate that memory and assign it to the array variable using the keyword new. New requires us to state the data type as well as the size of the array when allocating memory using it.

The general format for memory allocation is:

//When arrayName is a 1-D array

arrayName = new dataType[size];

//When arrayName is a 2-D array

arrayName = new dataType[sizerow][sizecolumn];

//When arrayName is a n-D array

arrayName = new dataType[size1][size2]....[sizen];

If we already know the size of the array and values to be stored in the variables, we can use array literals. An array literal can be created using the following format:

dataType[] arrayName = new dataType[]{value1, value2,..valuesize}

The size of arrayName here will be decided by the number of values entered. The part “new dataType[]” isn’t necessary in the latest versions of Java.


//Declaring an array

char[] charElements;

//Allocating memory to the array

charElements = new char[5];

//Declaring and allocating memory in the same step

char[] charElements = new char[5];

//Array literal

char[] charElements = new char[]{‘a’,’b’,’c’,’d’,’e’};

Types of Arrays

Let us now look at the types of arrays in a bit more detail.

One-dimensional array

  • Features: It’s a linear array, a single row.
  • Declaration and memory allocation: dataType[] arrayName = new dataType[size];
  • Indices: 0 to size-1
  • Example: int[] Array = new int[5];
  • Index and size: First index is 0, last index is 4, and the number of elements is 5.
  • Representation:

Two-dimensional Array

  • Features: It’s an array of an array. Some number of rows and columns, each row represents a 1-D array.
  • Declaration and memory allocation:

arrayName = new dataType[sizerow][sizecolumn];

  • Indices: (0,0) to (sizerow-1 , sizecolumn-1 )
  • Example: int[][] Array = new int[2][4];
  • Index and size: First index is at the upper-left corner (0,0), last index is at the lower-right corner (1,3) and the number of elements is 4*2= 8 (sizerow*sizecolumn)
  • It’s not necessary to provide the size of both the dimensions when declaring it; only providing row size may suffice. This comes in handy when we want to create rows with different numbers of columns. For example, We can use this to create a 2D array of 3 rows, where row 1 has one column, row 2 has two columns and row 3 has three columns:

int[][] a = new int[3][];

for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

a[i] = new int[i + 1];



Multi-dimensional Array

  • Features: It is an array of arrays. Each array element of a multi-dimensional array is itself an array.
  • Declaration and memory allocation:

    arrayName = new dataType[size1][size2]....[sizen];

  • Indices: (0,0) to (size1-1 , size2-1….sizen-1  )
  • Example: int[][]...[]n times Array = new int[1][4][3];
  • Index and size: First index is at the upper-left corner (0,0,0), last index is at the lower-right corner (0,3,2) and the number of elements is 1*4*3= 12  (size1*size2...*sizen)
  • Like for 2-D arrays, it is not necessary to provide the size for all the dimensions. This allows for the elements of the multi-dimensional array, which themselves are arrays, to be arrays of different sizes.


We will also see how to implement these arrays later in the article.

Initializing an Array in Java

We now know how to create an array. The initial values of array elements if not initialized are by default 0 for type int, 0 for type byte, 0.0 for type float, null for type string or object, and false for type boolean. We can initialize an array ourselves during its declaration itself, for example:

int[] marks = {75, 80, 99, 97, 44};

The size of the created array marks is automatically decided to be equal to the number of elements initialized, so the size is 5. Array marks now has been initialized to contain value 75 at index 0 and value 44 at index 4.

If we hadn’t initialized and just created an array of size 5, all values would have been by default set to 0. We can also, in that case, initialize values at specific positions using the index value.



int[] marks = new int[5];

//Initializing via index

marks[0]= 75;

marks[4]= 44;

This will lead to the following values being stored in the marks array initially:

Accessing Java Array Elements Using the for Loop

Each array element can be accessed using the array name along with its index. Example:

System.out.println("The element at index " + 4 + " is "+ marks[4]);

We can access all elements using a single for loop.


// accessing all the elements of array marks

for (int i = 0; i < marks.length; i++)

 System.out.println("The element at index " + i +" is "+ marks[i]);

We can also access all elements using a for-each loop:

for(int markValue : marks)




If we try to access an element at an index greater than the largest index for the array size (size-1), the exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown. This exception communicates that access to an invalid index in the array was requested. An index is illegal or invalid if it’s negative, not an integer, or is greater than or equal to array size.

Addition and Multiplication Using Java Arrays

Let us now implement what we have learned using an example. We will define, declare, instantiate, allocate memory to access arrays. We’ll also calculate the sum and multiplication of each array.


class Main {

public static void main(String[] args)


  // creating arrays in a few different ways discussed

  int[] oneD;

  oneD = new int[5];

  oneD[0] = 1;

  oneD[1] = 2;

  oneD[2] = 3;

  oneD[3] = 4;

  oneD[4] = 5;

  int[][] twoD = {{0,2,4},{1,3,5}};


  // accessing and printing an individual element in oneD

  System.out.println("The last (fifth) element of oneD array is " + oneD[4]);

  // accessing and printing all elements in oneD using for loop

    System.out.println("Using for loop, elements in oneD array are ");

  for(int i = 0; i < oneD.length; i++)

    System.out.print(oneD[i]+" ");


 // accessing and printing all elements in oneD using for each loop

    System.out.println("\n Using for each loop, elements in oneD array are ");

  for(int num : oneD)

    System.out.print(num+" ");

// accessing and printing all elements in twoD using two for loop

     System.out.println("\n Using two for loops, elements in twoD array are ");

   for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)


    for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)

        System.out.print(twoD[i][j]+" ");


// accessing and printing all elements in twoD using two for-each

// loops.

     System.out.println("\n Using two for-each loops, elements in twoD array are ");

   for(int[] i:twoD)


    for(int element: i)

        System.out.print(element+" ");



// printing sum and multiplication of all elements in oneD

 int oneSum = 0, oneMulti = 1;

for(int i = 0; i < oneD.length; i++)





System.out.println("\n The sum of all elements in oneD array is "+oneSum+" and  the product of all elements in oneD array is "+ oneMulti);


// printing sum and multiplication of all elements in twoD

 int twoSum = 0, twoMulti = 1;

for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)


for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)






System.out.println("The sum of all elements in twoD array is "+twoSum+" and  the product of all elements in twoD array is "+ twoMulti);




The last (fifth) element of oneD array is 5

Using for loop, elements in oneD array are

1 2 3 4 5

Using for each loop, elements in oneD array are

1 2 3 4 5

Using two for loops, elements in twoD array are

0 2 4 1 3 5

Using two for-each loops, elements in twoD array are

0 2 4 1 3 5

The sum of all elements in oneD array is 15 and  the product of all elements in oneD array is 120

The sum of all elements in twoD array is 15 and  the product of all elements in twoD array is 0

The Arrays Class and Arrays Class Objects

Note: “the class Object” refers to the class java.lang.Object (the first letter O is capital) that exists in Java. On the other hand, “an object of a class” refers to an instance of any particular class that’s being considered.
  • The class Arrays exists in the java.util package. It consists of only static methods along with methods of the class Object, which is its direct superclass. Its static methods help to do operations involving arrays which otherwise would have required implementation of loops.
  • The class java.lang.Object is the direct superclass of the class java.util.Arrays
  • The static methods inside the class Arrays can be used using syntax Arrays.methodName;
  • Each array has a class related to it, which is the same for arrays of the same data type. For example, int intElements[] and int oneD[] both have '[I' class associated with them. We can find which class an array is associated with using the method getClass(), which is present in the class Object.


class Main


   public static void main(String args[])


       int intElements[] = new int[5];

       char charElementsA[] = new char[5];

       char charElementsB[] = new char[5];


System.out.println("intElements is associated with " +

intElements.getClass()+ ", which is a direct subclass of "+   intElements.getClass().getSuperclass());

System.out.println("charElementsA is associated with "+ charElementsA.getClass()+", which is a direct subclass of "+ charElementsA.getClass().getSuperclass());

System.out.println("charElementsB is associated with "+ charElementsB.getClass()+", which is a direct subclass of "+ charElementsB.getClass().getSuperclass());




intElements is associated with class [I, which is a direct subclass of class java.lang.Object

charElementsA is associated with class [C, which is a direct subclass of class java.lang.Object

charElementsB is associated with class [C, which is a direct subclass of class java.lang.Object

Array Members

Arrays are objects of a class, and the class “Object” acts as its direct superclass. The members associated with an array include an instance method called length, which tells us the size of the array. It also includes the members the class Arrays inherits from its direct superclass Object.

Arrays inherit all methods of the Object class except the clone() method. A public method clone() overrides the original clone() method present in the class Object.

Passing Arrays to and Returning Arrays From Methods

Like we do with variables, arrays can be both passed as a parameter to a method and returned from it as the result.


class Main


// Passing an array as a parameter to the method findOdd

     public static int[] findOdd(int[] array)


       // Getting sum of array values

       // Given small original array size, for simplicity, we

       // can have oddArray be the same size as the original

       // array. For bigger arrays we can count odd elements

       // using a for loop to determine the exact size needed.

       int[] oddArray = new int[array.length];

       int tracker =0;        

       for (int i : array)


            if (i%2==1) {oddArray[tracker]=i; tracker++;}


           //Returning an array from the method findOdd

         return oddArray;        


   public static void main(String args[])


       int array[] = {7, 1, 8, 6, 3};


       int[] oddArray= findOdd(array);

       System.out.println("Odd elements in the array are ");

       for (int i : oddArray)

           if(i!=0) System.out.print(i+ " ");      




The output of the above code is

Odd elements in the array are

7 1 3

Copying and Cloning Using Java Arrays

An array can be copied from one array to some other array by importing java.util.Arrays and using the Arrays.copyOf() method in it. This will work by storing elements of the original array into the copied array.

Cloning a 1-D array leads to a deep copy, but cloning a multi-dimensional array leads to a shallow copy. Deep copy involves using copies of the original array’s elements instead of references. Shallow copy involves using references to the original array’s elements. In a deep copy, any change made to the copy will not be reflected in the original array. In a shallow copy, the change to the copy will be reflected in the original array. We can perform cloning in java using the clone() method.

Let us see how the two can be implemented in Java.


import java.util.Arrays;

class Main {

public static void main(String[] args)


  // Creating and printing the original array

  int[] originalArray={1,2,3,4,5};

  System.out.println("The original array to duplicate ");

  for(int num: originalArray)

   System.out.print(num+" ");


  // Creating a copy of the array

  System.out.println("\n The copy of the array is ");

  int[] copiedArray = Arrays.copyOf(originalArray, originalArray.length);

  for(int numCopy: copiedArray)

     System.out.print(numCopy+" ");


  // Creating a clone of the array

  System.out.println("\n The clone of the array is ");

  int clonedArray[]= originalArray.clone();

  for(int numClone: clonedArray)

     System.out.print(numClone+" ");

  //Showing shallow copy through 2-D arrays

  int[][] twoD = {{0,2,4},{1,3,5}};

  System.out.println("\n The 2-D array is ");

  for(int[] i: twoD)

    for(int num: i)

     System.out.print(num+" ");


  // Creating a clone of the 2-D array

  System.out.println("\n The clone of the 2-D array is ");

  int clonedtwoD[][]= twoD.clone();

  for(int[] i: clonedtwoD)

    for(int numClone: i)

     System.out.print(numClone+" ");

  // Changing clonetwoD changes the original as it's a shallow copy




  System.out.println("\n The clone of the 2-D array now is ");

  for(int[] i: clonedtwoD)

    for(int numClone: i)

     System.out.print(numClone+" ");


  System.out.println("\n The 2-D array now is ");

  for(int[] i: twoD)

    for(int num: i)

     System.out.print(num+" ");




The output of the above code is:

The original array to duplicate

1 2 3 4 5

The copy of the array is

1 2 3 4 5


The clone of the array is

1 2 3 4 5

The 2-D array is

0 2 4 1 3 5

The clone of the 2-D array is

0 2 4 1 3 5

The clone of the 2-D array now is

100 100 100 1 3 5

The 2-D array now is

100 100 100 1 3 5

Advantages and Disadvantages  of Arrays in Java


  • Can access any individual array element easily using its index.
  • Working with and storing large data is easier.


  • Array size is fixed and can’t be altered once memory is allocated.
  • An array can store elements only of a single type when it comes to primitive data types.

Examples of Tech Interview Problems/Questions on Arrays in Java

  1. Implement Binary Search Using Java Arrays
  2. Input a 2-D Array in Java and print the average, LCM, and HCF of all the elements in that array
  3. What’s the difference between cloning 1-D arrays vs. cloning multi-dimensional arrays?
  4. What’s the difference between a deep copy and a shallow copy of an array?
Visit our interview questions and problems page to learn more.

FAQs on Arrays in Java

Question 1: What is the difference between dataType[] arrayName; vs dataType arrayName[]; for declaration? Which one should one prefer in what situations?

Answer: While essentially the same, it can be useful to use one over the other in certain cases. For example, if many variables along with an array of the same data type are to be declared, we can write it better as dataType arrayName[], variableA, variableB. On the other hand, if many arrays of the same data type have to be declared, we can write it better as dataType[] arrayNameA, arrayNameB; in a single line.

Question 2: What is a jagged array?

Answer: A multidimensional array in which its member arrays are not of the same size is known as a jagged array. An example would be creating a 2-D array with a variable number of columns. Int[][] array = new int[3][] can be a jagged array by having member arrays array[0][3], array[1][2] and array[2][4].

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Article contributed by Tanya Shrivastava

Last updated on: 
October 10, 2024

Abhinav Rawat

Product Manager @ Interview Kickstart | Ex-upGrad | BITS Pilani. Working with hiring managers from top companies like Meta, Apple, Google, Amazon etc to build structured interview process BootCamps across domains

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