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Cloud Computing Interview Questions

Last updated by Swaminathan Iyer on May 24, 2024 at 04:56 PM | Reading time: 10 minutes

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Cloud Computing Interview Questions
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With the development of cloud computing and its extensive use, top-tech companies like FAANG+ seek experienced, skilled professionals in cloud computing. Remarkable development in the domain of cloud computing services has been expected by 2030. There is increased competition in the job landscape of cloud computing for lucrative salaries and other benefits. 

However, despite having strong background knowledge, many candidates fail to get hired by top-ranked companies. This is due to a lack of familiarity with the patterns of questions asked in the interview process. Concerning this, we have listed some common cloud computing interview questions that can help you gain insights into the interview process and build your skills accordingly.

Here is what we’ll cover in this article:

  • Why Learn Cloud Computing?
  • Cloud Computing Interview Questions for Freshers
  • Cloud Computing Interview Questions for Experienced
  • Cloud Computing Interview Questions: Windows Azure 
  • Cloud Computing Interview  Questions: Amazon Web Service (AWS)
  • Cloud Computing Interview Questions: Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Practice Questions for Cloud Computing Interview
  • Ace Your Learning with Interview Kickstart 
  • FAQs on Cloud Computing Interview Questions

Why Learn Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing, new-age Internet-based technology, is the group of hardware, networks, storage, and services that sells or delivers computing through the Internet. Creating computing architecture and storage locally has become expensive, while maintenance becomes overhead when required. The requirement for storage and computing services needed to be fulfilled and could be sold by service providers over the Internet. Thus, cloud computing now serves the purpose at a rapid pace in the growing business market, where managing big data is a daily routine. Cloud computing is the fastest-growing field at the global level. 

According to a study conducted by International Data Corporation, cloud computing opportunities and growth are expected to expand to a $1 trillion market by 2024. Therefore, the demand for highly skilled professionals in cloud computing has increased. People are switching or starting their careers in the cloud computing domain because of high-paying jobs and better opportunities in top-tech companies like FAANG+. However, competition has become tougher, and one needs to learn industry-specific skills to stay ahead with the competitive edge in the job landscape. Self-preparation is helpful, but to beat the competition, one needs guidance to think outside the box and build a bright future in the cloud computing field.

Cloud Computing Interview Questions for Freshers

Let us have a quick review of basic cloud computing interview questions for freshers.

Q1. Define the different cloud service models.

Here are different available cloud computing models.

  1. PaaS: It offers a platform for enterprises to display their applications or code. The platform is used for multiple purposes, such as creation, testing, storage, and computing.
  2. SaaS: It offers software as a service that is located on the cloud. Applications and software are the base of subscription, where cloud service providers are responsible for upgrading and maintenance of the software.
  3. IaaS: It refers to infrastructure or hardware as a service that offers computing sources and on-demand access—for instance, networking, storage, and computing servers.

Q2. Explain On-Demand functionality.

The ability of cloud computing to offer and deprovision cloud resources to the users when in demand. Here, shared pools (storage, servers, networks, services, and applications) are used to offer configurable resources.

Q3. Define Elasticity vs. Scalability.

Elasticity is a characteristic of cloud computing that instantly expands or decreases the computer processing, storage, and memory resources to achieve the requirement with no issues in capacity and engineering when dealing with large amounts of data. It means it is a resource adjustment based on the instant change. In contrast, scalability is another characteristic of cloud computing that helps handle workloads by enhancing relevant quantities of resource capacity. 

Q4. Define cloud-native.

It refers to a software approach to creating, deploying, and handling software or applications in a cloud computing environment. Cloud-native is typically less expensive than cloud.

Q5. What is a cloud VPN?

Cloud VPN enables users to access private networks when required. It ensures security while connecting to the network anytime from anywhere.

Cloud Computing Interview Questions for Experienced Professionals

The interview session for experienced-level professionals is quite hard. However, we have provided cloud computing interview questions and answers that can help you understand the pattern and learn accordingly to crack the interview process.

Q1. Define the limitations of ELB.

A few of the limitations of ELB include the inability to forward traffic on multiple ports, lack of compatibility with EKS containers operating on Farget, and inability to forward to IP addresses. 

Q2. State the difference between ALB, NLB, and ELB.

ALB, or Application Load Balancer, operates at Layer 7 of the OSI model and supports traffic based on the content of the request. 

The NLB or Network Load Balancer operates at Layer 4 of the OSI model and supports traffic depending on IP protocol data. 

The ELB or Elastic Load Balance is a generalized term comprising both ALB and NLB along with deprecated Classic Load Balancer or CLB. CLB operates at bother Layers 4 and 7 and is used in legacy applications. 

Q3. What is the function of AWS Cloudformation?

AWS Cloudformation serves the primary function of setting up and modeling the AWS resources. It is beneficial in time management, allowing more time for action. Specifically, it allows repeated, predictable, and safe management of resource lifecycles. 

Q4. State a difference between RTO and RPO in cloud computing services.

RTO or Recovery Time Objective is the maximum time set to restore the original or normal state of operations in case of data loss. 

RPO or Recovery Point Objective is the maximum amount of tolerable data loss for the application. 

Cloud Computing Interview Questions: Windows Azure 

Q1. What is the Role definition in Azure?

Role definition, also referred to as role, is the collection of permissions. It comprises performable actions, the ones related to underlying data, and the actions excluded from allowed actions. There are around 120 built-in roles in Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC). More of these can be created as per the requirement. 

Q2. What are the roles of Azure advisors in turning Azure efficient?

Azure Advisor is a guide of best practices designed to improve Azure efficiency. It suggests actions to enhance reliability, operational excellence, security, cost, and performance. Users get insights into optimization recommendations, possible improvements, and much more. 

Cloud Computing Interview Questions: Amazon Web Service (AWS)

Q1. What are the three primary functions of Amazon Route53?

The three primary functions of Amazon Route53 include: 

  • It can evaluate the performance of web services and applications. 
  • It routes the traffic towards the lowest latency region of the AWS
  • It improves the responsiveness of the application 

Q2. Define AWS Lambda.

AWS or Amazon Web Services Lambda is a serverless computer service allowing users to run code without server management or provisions. It requires code in one of the supporting languages, which is run and administered by Lambda itself. It also offers automatic scaling and allows users to create their backend services. 

Cloud Computing Interview Questions: Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Q3. Define Google BioQuery.

Google Bioquery is a cloud-based, highly scalable data warehouse. It can process large-scale read-only datasets through its built-in features, such as business intelligence, machine learning, and geospatial analysis. It is a serverless architecture that allows quick queries of terabytes and petabytes within seconds and minutes, respectively. 

Q4. Name the libraries for cloud storage on GCP.

PHP, Node.js, C#, Python, Go, and others are a few Google Cloud client libraries that enable APIs and utilities to access, store, and manage cloud services directly from the applications with respective programming languages.  

Practice Questions for Cloud Computing Interview

You must have understood the type and the pattern of cloud computing interview questions. Explore your knowledge and practice by solving the following questions. These questions help you get better insights into the field.

Q1. Define Amazon Machine Image (AMI).

Q2. Explain elastic IP.

Q3. Explain the benefits of CloudFront.

Q4. State the difference between AWS RDS vs. AWS Aurora.

Q5. Explain the data protection method in S3.

Q6. What are SaaS and CaaS?

Q7. Define Virtualization in Cloud Computing with their types.

Q8. Explain the benefits of cloud services.

Q9. Name five open-source cloud computing platform databases.

Q10. What is a system integrator in cloud computing?

Ace Your Learning with Interview Kickstart

If you are planning to prepare for a cloud computing interview at a top tech company, you must seek guidance from experts who have work experience from companies under FAANG+. At Interview Kickstart, we provide courses to build your skills and knowledge strong enough to lead you in the job landscape. From cloud computing AWS interview questions to multiple other fields, you are going to learn each concept thoroughly and make it easy to deliver solutions. 

What are you waiting for? Register for a free webinar and learn how you can turn your future into a bright one!

FAQs About Cloud Computing Interview Questions

Q1. Is cloud computing going to grow?

The cloud computing market is estimated to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 17.43% by 2030.

Q2. What is the future vision of cloud computing?

Cloud computing services are referred to as a potential drive for global digital transformation.

Q3. What is the salary for cloud computing?

An average cloud engineer's salary in the USA is $130,676 per annum.

Q4. What is the salary of an entry-level and experienced cloud engineer?

An entry-level cloud engineer in the USA earns an average salary of $110,650 per annum. In contrast, the salary of experienced cloud engineers is higher, with an average of $167,072 per annum.

Q5. Is cloud computing hard to learn?

Many candidates pursuing education in cloud computing think it is quietly difficult to learn. However, with the right approach and guidance, you can find fun in learning cloud computing.

Last updated on: 
May 24, 2024

Swaminathan Iyer

Product @ Interview Kickstart | Ex | Business Management - XLRI Jamshedpur. Loves building things and burning pizzas!

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