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How to Nail your next Technical Interview

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Nail Your Next Full Stack Development Interview

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Students enrolled: 307

Learn everything you need to know to ace your Full Stack Development interview from FAANG+ engineers. This course has been meticulously curated by experts to help you put your best foot forward.

Full Stack Engineers!
Get interview-ready with lessons from FAANG+ engineers
Master core Full Stack interview concepts
Sharpen your coding and system design interview skills
Full Stack Developer
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Students who chose to uplevel with IK got placed at

Pratik Agarwal
Software Development Engineer ll
Suat Mercan
Senior Software Engineer
Anshul Bansal
Software Engineer
Kishore Periassamy
Software Development Engineer
Vinayak Prabhu
System Development Engineer
Kelsi Lakey
Software Engineer
Shrey Shrivastava
Software Development Engineer ll
Aniruddha Tekade
Senior Software Engineer
Tech professionals trained
Highest offer received by an IK alum
Average salary hike received by alums
Best suited for
Full Stack Engineers/Developers looking to transition to tier-1 companies
Software Engineers/Developers looking to transition to tier-1 companies
Not suitable for
UI/UX designers and candidates with no Front-end/Back-end experience

Why choose this course?

Comprehensive Curriculum

Program designed by FAANG+ leads

Covering data structures, algorithms, interview-relevant topics, and career coaching
Rigorous Mock Interviews

Individualized teaching and 1:1 help

Technical coaching, homework assistance, solutions discussion, and individual session
Plenty of 1 x 1 Help

Mock interviews with Silicon Valley engineers

Live interview practice in real-life simulated environments with FAANG and top-tier interviewers
Career Skills Development

Personalized feedback

Constructive, structured, and actionable insights for improved interview performance
Salary Negotiation

Career skills development

Resume building, LinkedIn profile optimization, personal branding, and live behavioral workshops
Salary Negotiation

50% Money-Back Guarantee*

If you do well in our course but still don't land a domain-relevant job within the post-program support period, we'll refund 50% of the tuition you paid for the course.*

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Meet your instructors

Our highly experienced instructors are active hiring managers and employees at FAANG+ companies and know exactly what it takes to ace tech and managerial interviews.

Quazie Kwaselow

Senior Software Engineer
15+ years experience

André Terron

Software Engineer
6+ years experience

Joseph Cuffney

Senior Software Engineer
6+ years experience

Matthew Wilde

Senior Software Engineer
5+ years experience

Alex Mitchell

Software Engineer
5+ years experience

Anthony Hartmann

Software Engineer
5+ years experience

A typical week at Interview Kickstart

This is how we structure and organize your interview prep. Our learners devote 10 to 12 hours per week to this course.


Get Foundational content
Get high-quality videos and course material for next week’s topics
Covers introduction to fundamentals, interview-relevant topics, and case studies
Attend timed test and review session
1-hour timed test covering essential interview questions on the current week's topics
1-hour test review session to discuss the test solution and other best practices


Attend online live sessions
Attend 4-5 hours long live sessions covering interview-relevant Full Stack concepts
A FAANG+ instructor will lead a discussion on a wide range of interview problems, open-ended design questions, and how to approach them


Practice problems & case studies
Apply the concepts taught in live sessions to solve assignment questions
Discuss the solutions of interview-oriented assignment problems in the live class
Live doubt-solving with FAANG+ Full Stack instructors

Every day

1:1 access to instructors
Personalized coaching from FAANG+ Full Stack instructors
Individualized and detailed attention to your questions
Solution walkthroughs
Contact for Pricing

Full Stack Development Course details and Curriculum

Data Structures and Algorithms (Coding)
5 weeks
5 live classes


  • Introduction to Sorting
  • Basics of Asymptotic Analysis and Worst Case & Average Case Analysis
  • Different Sorting Algorithms and their comparison
  • Algorithm paradigms like Divide & Conquer, Decrease & Conquer, Transform & Conquer
  • Presorting
  • Extensions of Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort
  • Common Sorting-related coding interview problems


  • Recursion as a Lazy Manager's Strategy
  • Recursive Mathematical Functions
  • Combinatorial Enumeration
  • Backtracking
  • Exhaustive Enumeration & General Template
  • Common Recursion- and Backtracking-related coding interview problems


  • Dictionaries & Sets, Hash Tables 
  • Modeling data as Binary Trees and Binary Search Tree and performing different operations over them
  • Tree Traversals and Constructions 
  • BFS Coding Patterns
  • DFS Coding Patterns
  • Tree Construction from its traversals 
  • Common Trees-related coding interview problems


  • Overview of Graphs
  • Problem definition of the 7 Bridges of Konigsberg and its connection with Graph theory
  • What is a Graph, and when do you model a problem as a Graph?
  • How to store a Graph in memory (Adjacency Lists, Adjacency Matrices, Adjacency Maps)
  • Graphs traversal: BFS and DFS, BFS Tree, DFS stack-based implementation
  • A general template to solve any problems modeled as Graphs
  • Graphs in Interviews
  • Common Graphs-related coding interview problems

Dynamic Programming

  • Dynamic Programming introduction
  • Modeling problems as recursive mathematical functions
  • Detecting overlapping subproblems
  • Top-down Memorization
  • Bottom-up Tabulation
  • Optimizing Bottom-up Tabulation
  • Common DP-related coding interview problems
System Design
3 weeks
3 live classes

Online Processing Systems

  • The client-server model of Online processing
  • Top-down steps for system design interview
  • Depth and breadth analysis
  • Cryptographic hash function
  • Network Protocols, Web Server, Hash Index
  • Scaling
  • Performance Metrics of a Scalable System
  • SLOs and SLAs
  • Proxy: Reverse and Forward
  • Load balancing
  • CAP Theorem
  • Content Distribution Networks
  • Cache
  • Sharding
  • Consistent Hashing
  • Storage
  • Case Studies: URL Shortener, Instagram, Uber, Twitter, Messaging/Chat Services

Batch Processing Systems

  • Inverted Index
  • External Sort Merge
  • K-way External Sort-Merge
  • Distributed File System
  • Map-reduce Framework
  • Distributed Sorting
  • Case Studies: Search Engine, Graph Processor, Typeahead Suggestions, Recommendation Systems

Stream Processing Systems

  • Case Studies: on APM, Social Connections, Netflix, Google Maps, Trending Topics, YouTube
Full Stack Domain
5 weeks
5 live classes


  • Frequently asked interview questions on databases for various use cases; social media platform - search, user connections, user feeds, ads, payments; how to handle peak hours?
  • Design an e-commerce data warehouse to efficiently compute, store and retrieve live metrics at various frequencies
  • Design a database solution for a web crawler that scrapes the product and pricing information from a competitor’s e-commerce website
  • Design a schema for Apple Music
  • Deep dive into database internals (transactions, indexes, and performance)
  • Explore Cloud Database Monitoring Tools: Monitoring database health and performance, scale performance via sharding
  • Comprehensive coverage of clarifying questions to ask while doing the requirement analysis and scope fencing during the design phase of a database

API Design and Implementation

  • Design an API for an image-sharing application: Outline which response codes you would use for certain situations on each endpoint
  • How to identify which user is accessing our API? Different ways of identifying a user from an API OAuth, Passwordless authentication, Multi-factor authentication
  • How to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks or session replays or cookie stealing/replays?
  • Encryption: How much is too much? Enforcing HTTPs
  • Design an API for Kick News, a discussion forum like Reddit or Hacker News - architecting, documenting, and testing REST APIs
  • Case study on moderation tools - When to use each authentication method and types of authorization
  • Call multiple endpoints and join the data on the client-side or implement infinite scrolling using GraphQL
  • Implement KickChat, a live chat feature - reacting to server events with polling and webhooks
  • How to test an API for security threats? Understanding the threats and then working on steps to prevent security threats: XSS, CSRF, SQL injection, input sanitization

Cloud Infrastructure

  • Evaluating cloud-native solutions for cost optimization; Economics of cloud and serverless computing
  • Fundamental questions on Key/Value datastores vs. RDBMS
  • Design a video transcoding service using a hybrid cloud architecture
  • Common problems in cloud-native/serverless systems and how to mitigate them? - Issues with database connections, scaling, and the hug of death
  • Interesting follow-up questions on system monitoring and alerts
  • How to fix a broken Lambda function?
  • Best practices and principles to be followed to meet the FAANG+ bar - DevOps, Infrastructure as Code

JavaScript and Web Development

Design an advertising API using JavaScript
  • Application logic using function expression or in-line expression
  • Popular FAANG+ interview question on re-writing the promise chain as async/await style code
  • How would you indicate that a piece of JavaScript code should only be used for a particular type of variable?
  • Using TypeScript to reduce code ambiguity, and in combination with other frameworks
  • Make critical design decisions. Manage external dependencies using yarn or an external package
Develop a Twitter-like homepage, with infinite scrolling - a popular FAANG+ interview question
  • How information may be passed down to child components using ‘props’
  • Approaches towards dynamically updating web pages - a popular interview skill 
  • Questions on using iFrames and web components to incorporate external content
  • Incorporating good authorization and security policies for users
  • Demo of an OAuth integration, using the Google Drive API

UI System Design

  • Design a custom control component <SearchBox /> by extending existing controls
  • Design a portable UI control that provides a secure and compliant way to capture a payment method - embedding the payment method form in a web application
  • Develop a component-based design system to avoid duplicating development efforts - using Storybook.js to support the component library pattern
  • Transform state management from a non-framework model to a framework-specific model
  • How to think, act, and articulate like a front-end architect and tech lead emitting senior+ signals in system design interviews using methodical and structured interview strategy
  • Evaluate options, perform trade-offs, and analyze the business impact of modern web development frameworks
  • Manage the state of a UI application - A demonstration of how to approach programming questions in the UI system design domain
  • Design a common components library such as Bootstrap
  • Design a UI component SDK such as Stripe checkout SDK - A common theme in UI system design interviews
  • Industry trends within front-end engineering and surrounding domains (AI/ML)
Career Session Orientation
3 weeks
3 live classes

Interview Preparation

  • Interview Questions
  • Interview Strategy
  • Behavioral Coaching

Resume & LinkedIn Masterclass


Salary Negotiation Masterclass

Support Period
6 months

15 mock interviews


Take classes you missed/retake classes/tests


Self-paced content on additional topics for Data Structures and Algorithms


1:1 technical/career coaching


Interview strategy and salary negotiation support

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Practice and track progress on UpLevel

UpLevel will be your all-in-one learning platform to get you FAANG-ready, with 10,000+ interview questions, timed tests, videos, mock interviews suite, and more.
Mock interviews suite
On-demand timed tests
In-browser online judge
help circle
10,000+ interview questions
100,000+ hours of video explanations
Class schedules & activity alerts
Real-time progress update
11 programming languages

Get upto 15 mock interviews with                      hiring managers

What makes our mock Interviews the best:

Hiring managers from Tier-1 companies like Google & Apple

Interview with the best. No one will prepare you better!

Domain-specific Interviews

Practice for your target domain - Full Stack

Detailed personalized feedback

Identify and work on your improvement areas

Transparent, non-anonymous interviews

Get the most realistic experience possible

Career impact

Our students land high-paying and rewarding offers from the biggest tech companies, including Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Tesla, and Netflix.

Ian Hwang

Software Engineer
Placed at:
I attended IK and I've got a lot of knowledge that helped me get into Microsoft. Their Curriculum (algorithms and data structures) is organized very well and explanations are so helpful. And mock interviews and the feedback helped me a lot. It was worth it!

Shrey Shrivastava

Software development Engineer ll
Placed at:
google brand logo
The Interview Kickstart course is very structured and informative. They teach you about DS and algo fundamentals very thoroughly and also prepare you for the software engineering interview. I really like the live classes by FAANG engineers, and the homework and tests definitely help you toprepare for a real interview. If you have been looking for a bootcamp that prepares you for software engineering interviews, I would say this is definitely the right place to do it.

Sridhar Gandham

Senior Software Engineer
Placed at:
My experience at IK was extremely positive. I was preparing for FAANG companies using the standard techniques that you find on the internet. When I started preparing, there was no structure to the madness. For example, a simple quicksort can be implemented in multiple ways. So solving a medium problem would take me about 30 minutes. The biggest benefit that I got from IK was a clear, structured way of solving problems. After IK, I could solve medium problems in 10 minutes!

Akriti Bhatt

Software Engineer
Placed at:
Interview Kickstart is a great platform to perfect your basics and get a deep understanding of algorithms. These sessions helped me crack Google and several other companies.
Having struggled for a while to understand what I was doing wrong in interviews and how to behave during an interview, I took the help of 1-1 interview sessions with the mentors and the guidance provided by them helped me understand the problem with my approach.

Neetika Srivastava

Software Engineer
Placed at:
I really like how the program is structured and how it caters to different domains. It is really helpful. The patterns that they teach you at Interview Kickstart are really useful because you can apply those patterns to any new problem. Knowing those patterns, you can solve basically any question because you can relate it to problems you have already solved, which gives you confidence.

Chun Wu

Senior Software Engineer
Placed at:
I joined IK after stumbling across it while reviewing some other interview prep materials after doing poorly in an interview at Linkedin. I knew that doing well in these interviews would require dedication and investment of my time - but with so many resources online I didn't have structure. This is what the IK platform provided me.

How to enroll for the Full Stack Development Interview course?

Learn more about Interview Kickstart and the Full Stack Development Interview course by joining the free webinar hosted by Ryan Valles, co-founder of Interview Kickstart.

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Already preparing or want a sneak peek? Try the Full Stack Interview Prep 7-day email course

A Free Guide to Kickstart Your Full Stack Development Career at FAANG+

From the interview process and career path to interview questions and salary details — learn everything you need to know about Full Stack Developer careers at top tech companies.
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What to Expect at Full Stack Development Interviews?

Initial technical screening: 
This usually involves a coding round and a discussion of your past Full Stack projects. While discussing projects, conceptual questions on the Full Stack domain, frameworks used, etc., are asked.
You can also expect a 90-minutes long online assessment of your programming skills consisting of three coding challenges similar to Leetcode. In each challenge, you will be tested on Data Structures and Algorithms. It is important that you write compiling code and pass the majority of the test cases.
The Full Stack interview questions on coding are typically at an easy/medium level on Leetcode. 
On-site interview:
It usually has 4-6 rounds, including one-on-one interviews and panel discussions. You can expect these rounds:
2-3 coding rounds:
Depending on the total years of experience, you will go through 2-3 coding (DSA-based) rounds.
These rounds will have coding challenges to test your knowledge of Data Structures, Algorithms, and OOP. During the problem-solving stage, you will be asked about test cases, time/space complexity, and ways to improve the solution.
Using an online coding practice website like Leetcode to prepare for these interview questions on tech programming can be extremely beneficial.
Full Stack/Web Fundamentals round:
Test for knowledge of Full Stack concepts. You’ll be asked to solve problems for different scenarios. This could be integrating with an existing API or looking for a bug in an existing codebase.
System design round:
  • For Full Stack roles at Tier-1 companies, there will usually either be a front-end or back-end system design round. You may be allowed to choose depending on the role you’re applying for.
  • Scalable system design round: General scalable architecture system design questions. This usually involves designing a scalable back-end service with cloud architecture.
  • Full Stack system design round: The solution for the design problem is evaluated on performance, accessibility, and modularity. You may also be asked to develop certain features from scratch; a strong understanding of your choice of frameworks will come in handy here. This can be designing a UI that takes in data from an API and modifies it to display to the user.
Behavioral round: This round focuses on criteria like leadership and collaboration skills. You can expect questions related to job experience, discussions on past projects, and open-ended questions to gauge whether you're a "good fit."

Full Stack Developer Interview Questions

Full Stack developers need to do both back-end and front-end tasks. As you’d expect, the Full Stack Software Engineer interview questions include both front-end and back-end topics to assess if you’re the right fit. Want to check your current Full Stack Developer interview preparation? Take a jab at these Full Stack Engineering interview questions:
Full Stack Developer Interview Questions on Coding
As a Full Stack developer, a lot of your time and effort will go into mastering Data Structures and Algorithms. Excellence and skill in coding are absolutely essential as that is most of your job. While there are other factors that contribute to the hiring call, you simply can’t be hired if you don’t clear coding rounds. You should have experience with these Full Stack developer interview questions (some of these are interview questions for senior Full Stack engineers):
If you’re an experienced Full Stack developer, our article on Full Stack Developer System Design questions will also be helpful for you.
Domain-Specific Full Stack Developer Interview Questions
Let us now look at some domain-specific questions asked in Full stack interviews. See if you can answer these Full Stack developer interview questions:
What are the latest trends in Full Stack Web Development?
What are some Stack Developer tools that you’ve worked with?
Explain DevOps, Pair Programming, and data attributes.
Explain Long Polling.
What is an Application server, and what is a RESTful API?
What is Event Bubbling and Capturing in JavaScript?
Distinguish between Server-side Scripting and Client-side Scripting. 
How can you enhance your website load time and performance?
Explain the difference between Normalization and Denormalization.
What is Callback hell, and how to fix it?
State the success factors for successive integration.
What is your favorite coding language, and why?
What is the most important quality in a Full Stack developer?
How to prevent a bot from scraping a publicly accessible API?
State the differences between REST and GraphQL.
Explain referential transparency in functional programming.
Explain the architectural designs primarily used to design applications.
How can you share code between files?
What is the difference between Composition and Inheritance? Which would you use and why?
How can we enhance the scalability and efficiency of a website?
Explain multithreading and continuous integration.
Full Stack Developer Interview Questions on Behavioral Skills
Behavioral interview questions serve to assess cultural fit, communication skills, and leadership qualities. Try answering these Full Stack developer interview questions and see if your answers align with the culture and values of your target company:
Tell us about a time when you received criticism about your work and how you handled it.
If you have to deliver negative feedback to members of your development team, how would you do it?
Tell me about your favorite development project to date and what it was like from start to finish.
Tell me about the largest web application you have ever worked on. What coding were you responsible for?
What's your preferred type of development environment?
What do you think contributes to a successful project?
How do you keep up with the latest technologies and trends?
Tell me about a time when you had to work with someone difficult. How did you handle it?
What is the most difficult change you’ve encountered in your career?
How do you handle situations where there is a lot of tension between you and a colleague?

Full Stack Developer Career

Let’s take a look at the Full Stack developer role in more detail now. It’s important to have clarity on the role requirements, levels and career roadmap, salary, and interview processes associated with the Full Stack developer role. It will help you decide if the Full Stack developer is the right role for you.
Full stack engineer/developer job descriptions include both front-end and back-end related responsibilities
Full stack developer job descriptions include both front-end and back-end related responsibilities. Needless to say, Full Stack Developer jobs require skill in both front-end and back-end technologies. You need to create an impressive Full Stack developer portfolio to land your dream Full Stack developer job.
Front-end related tasks in Full Stack developer jobs often include:
Developing new user-facing features.
Optimizing web pages for maximum speed and scalability.
Creating efficient and reusable front-end systems/libraries that drive complex web applications.
Collaborating with product designers, product managers, and software engineers to deliver compelling user-facing products.
Identifying and resolving performance and scalability issues.
Back-end related tasks in Full Stack software engineer jobs often include:
Designing and implementing APIs & business logic.
Designing and coding for databases.
Optimizing the back-end logic.
Creating efficient and reusable Micro-services. 
Collaborating with product designers, product managers, and software engineers to deliver compelling products.
Identifying and resolving performance and scalability issues.
Full Stack Developer Career Roadmap
In a FAANG+ company, the career progression for the Full Stack developer role is:
SWE I / SWE II - Web Development (Full Stack) → SWE III - Web Development (Full Stack)  → Senior SWE - Web Development (Full Stack)  → Staff SWE - Web Development (Full Stack) or Tech Lead/EM  → Senior Staff SWE or EM/Director → Principal Engineer or Director/VP 

Full Stack Developer Salary and Levels at FAANG

Companies use levels to signify the increase in experience, knowledge, and responsibilities associated with the job description.
Generally, Full Stack software developers are divided into the following levels at FAANG+:
Facebook Full Stack Developer Salary
E3 (entry-level) → E4 → E5 → E6 → E7 → E8 (equivalent to Director; D1)
Full Stack Developer at Facebook
Average compensation by level
Level name
Stock (/yr)
Amazon Full Stack Developer Salary
L4 (SDE I) → L5 (SDE II) → L6 (SDE III) → L7 (Principal SDE) → L8 (Senior Principal SDE) → L10 (Distinguished Engineer)
Technical Program Manager at Amazon
Average compensation by level
Level name
Stock (/yr)
Apple Full Stack Developer Salary
ICT 2 (entry-level) → ICT 3 → ICT 4 → ICT 5 → ICT 6 (highest level for a software engineer)
Technical Program Manager at Apple
Average compensation by level
Level name
Stock (/yr)
Netflix Full Stack Developer Salary
Unlike other FAANG+ companies, there is only one level on the ladder of progression for software engineers. The company strictly hires only experienced employees; thus, the Netflix Senior Software Engineer position is the only level.
Technical Program Manager at Netflix
Average compensation by level
Level name
Stock (/yr)
Sr. SW. Engineer
Google Full Stack Developer Salary
L3 → L4 → L5 → L6 → L7 (Senior Staff Software Engineer) → L8 (Principal Software Engineer) → L9 (Distinguished Software Engineer) → L10 (Google Fellow) → L11 (Google Senior Fellow)
Technical Program Manager at Google
Average compensation by level
Level name
Stock (/yr)
Salary Details of Full Stack Developer at Other Tier-1 Companies
Like for every role, a Full Stack Engineer’s salary varies based on experience and responsibilities to ensure that a senior Full Stack software engineer’s salary is aligned with the value they are adding. Let’s take a quick look at how the Full Stack software engineer's salary varies with the job levels.
Full Stack Developer at Tier-1 Companies
Average compensation by level
You can learn more about more related topics on our companies page.

FAQs on Full Stack Development Interview Course

What does a Full Stack engineer/developer do?
What skills are needed to be successful in the Full Stack domain?
Does Full Stack include DevOps?
Is Full Stack Development considered same as Software Engineering?
Why are companies looking for Full Stack developers?

How to enroll for the Full Stack Development Interview course?

Learn more about Interview Kickstart and the Full Stack Development interview course by joining the free webinar hosted by Ryan Valles, co-founder of Interview Kickstart.

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