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Flask vs. Django: A Comparison of Python Web Frameworks

Last updated by Abhinav Rawat on Apr 17, 2024 at 03:07 PM | Reading time: 11 minutes

Flask and Django are web frameworks based on Python that serve to make web applications from scratch. If Flask is associated with its simplicity and spartan nature, Django offers a fuller range of functions and a battery-packed strategy. The question of Flask vs Django as to which one of Flask and Django should be taken is answered individually for each case; however, in most cases, the task's difficulty and specifics are key determining factors.

Here’s what we’ll cover in the article:

  • What is Django?
  • What is Flask?
  • Templating System: Django Templates vs Jinja2 Templates
  • Final Words
  • Learn More About Flask vs. Django Python Distinction At Interview Kickstart
  • FAQs About Flask vs Django Python

What is Django?

Django is a sophisticated Python web framework that endorses agility and practical elegance. It adheres to the "do not repeat yourself" (DRY) principle. It has the WAG goals to make the construction of web applications as easy as possible, utilizing built-in features and conventions, among other components.

Key Features: Django

  • Object-relational mapping (ORM) for database management
  • Built-in admin interface for managing site content
  • Form handling and validation
  • Authentication and authorization system
  • URL routing and view management
  • Template engine for HTML rendering
  • International and local support
  • Security features like protection against common web vulnerabilities

What is Flask?

The Flask is a lightweight and flexible Python web framework that can supply users with all the necessary tools for creating web applications and does not deprive them of any freedom of choice. It is recognized for its lightness, primitive, and user-friendly, which is why it is used for smaller and medium size projects, including prototyping.

Key Features: Flask

  • Minimalistic and unopinionated design
  • Extensibility through various Flask extensions
  • Integrated development server for testing and debugging
  • Jinja2 template engine for HTML rendering
  • Support for secure cookie-based session management
  • Lightweight and easy to learn
  • RESTful request dispatching
  • Compatibility with various web servers and databases

Templating System: Django Templates vs Jinja2 Templates

Django uses its template engine for rendering HTML called Django templates. It provides powerful features like template inheritance, template tags, and filters and includes for creating reusable components.

On the other hand, Flask utilizes the Jinja2 template engine, inspired by Django templates, but offers more flexibility and features. Jinja2 templates include the ability to inherit templates, macro calls, filters, and automatic escaping of variables to prevent XSS vulnerabilities.


Unpack Django: This full-stack framework comprising numerous built-in modules and plugins is ideal for constructing large applications with high-demanding needs. Still, its universal property may cause compatibility problems with some third-party packages or libraries.

Being a micro framework, Flask has a smaller library and footprint, making it specifically compatible with all Python libraries and extensions. It is modular code, which means that the developers can select and implement only necessary components, leading to better compatibility and adaptability.

Flexibility and complexity

Flask highlights the ability to quickly provide the application structure tailored directly to the developers' preferences and needs. It allows developers more flexibility in opting for libraries, database systems and architectural designs based on the project's needs.

Django, however, operates more opinionated and comes with an already steamed range of conventions and patterns. This can help simplify the development process and standardize the code base. Still, it may also add some extra complexity needed to constrain the developer from the uncontrolled freedom that he would prefer.

Extensions and Customizations

Flask and Django provide extensions and plugins for additional functionality besides the core functionality. Flask has multiple extensions available to facilitate the addition of features in the form of authentication, middleware access to databases in the form of SQLAlchemy, RESTful APIs, and so on. The use of these extensions can be carried out without difficulty in the applications that are of the Flask type using the Flask ecosystem.

By offering a full-fledged ecosystem of reusable apps and packages via its package index (PyPI), Django makes it possible to multiply the effective reach of its framework. Third-party packages such as CMS (Content Management System), ecommerce, and social media, among others, can be utilized by the developers of Django projects to add more capabilities as follows.

URL dispatcher

Django has a centralized URL dispatcher responsible for routing URL patterns to corresponding view functions or class-based views. Django URL routing mechanism is rich and diverse, so developers can create single or even multiple patterns and redirect each incoming request to the relevant handler.

The Flask framework also has a routing URL mechanism that associates view functions with URL patterns through the @app.route decorator. The Flask project routing system is easy to understand; this allows routes to be defined and HTTP requests to be handled quickly and reliably.


Django's routing functionality is centralized and is defined with a URL configuration in the URLconf of the project. This approach separates URL mapping from view logic and enables features like namespaces and URL naming.

Flask's routing system is based on decorators applied to view functions, allowing developers to define routes directly within the view functions. While this approach can lead to more concise and readable code, it may also result in less separation of concerns than Django's URL configuration.

Handling URL parameters

Both Flask and Django support capturing URL parameters and passing them to view functions for processing. In Django, URL parameters are captured using named groups in the URL patterns defined in the URLconf module.

In Flask, URL parameters are extracted from the URL path using variable parts specified within route patterns. Flask automatically converts these URL parameters to the appropriate data types based on their definitions in the route.

Compliance with RESTful principles

Both Flask and Django provide support in creating RESTful audio program development for the development of web services that conform to the REST architecture. Flask and Django-based RESTful APIs support HTTP actions GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, allowing them to be used for CRUD functions on the resources.

In Flask, the support for RESTful APIs is built with its powerful routing that creates flexible applications and comprehensive support for request and response objects. Developers can write a simple API with the help of Flask extensions such as Flask-RESTful while effectively adding features like request parsing, input validation, and others by relying on the extensions mentioned above.

With its Django REST Framework (DRF) package, Django provides a fast and efficient building toolkit for developing RESTful APIs. DRF provides a bag of valuable and versatile tools for designing similar serializers for data conversion, generic views for CRUD procedures, authentication and permission, classes, and also features on comparability and filtering.

Working with databases

Django supports multiple databases as its default implementation, and PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and Oracle are included in the list of supported databases. It has an ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) that hides the interactions from the database and supports developers in creating database models with Python classes.

Flask Also Connects to Several Databases via Third-Party Extensions Such As Flask -Sqishria, Flask -MongoEngine, and Flask -Peewee. These extensions give features analogous to what the Django ORM does and give programmers a Pythonic way of working with database objects.

Authentication and Authorization

Django offers integrated methods for obtaining information about a logged-in user, including numerous templates and code snippets to create page logins and links to information on the server. It provides innate visions and mediators for authentication handling and enforcing execution controls.

Flask is considered a micro-framework; hence, it offers no built-in authentication system but several extensions to implement authentication and authorization. With the help of extensions, developers can use Flask-Login Fask-Security or implement a custom authentication solution that suits project requirements.


Both Flask and Django afford web application testing through Development-integrated testing frameworks. Django has a test suite, the test runner functionality, and tools to write and run unit, integration, and functional tests.

Flask delivers testing support through the Flask testing engine, mainly giving features for creating composed tests, combination tests, and end-to-end tests. As an extension to Flask's testing capabilities, developers can use libraries to make other tests more elaborate.


The architectural model followed by Django is the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern where models represent data, views organize how the data will be presented, and controllers or views (in Django, they are called views) get the way between models and views.

Compared to Flask, however, the architecture is more flexible and freed from any imposition of a specific architectural design pattern. Drawing from the preferences and needs of the developer, there are several architectural patterns that a software developer can choose from, including MVC, MVP-View-Presenter, or MVVM-Model-View-ViewModel to assist in the implementation process.

Learning curve

While it takes some more time for a person to become familiar with Django, its learning curve is steeper than with Flask because it is more complex due to the myriad of available Django components and conventions. To build a web application using this tool, one must be well conversant with Django's ORM, admin interface, URL routing, template engine, etc.

In contrast, Flask is not that steep regarding learning curves, for it can easily be used by developers either new to web development or idiosyncratically wishing to seek a simplified approach. Its simplicity, ease of adaptability, and use make it popular for beginners, small projects, and people with thin wallets.

Final Words

Ultimately, it is up to each developer and the given project to decide which they will adopt. The choice between Django vs Flask will depend on various factors, including the project requirements, complexity, scalability, and preferences. Flask is suitable for medium-sized purpose-driven projects that are easy to maintain. At the same time, Django works well with large-scale applications with prerequisite complex functionality that are kept on tight deadlines.

Learn More About Python Flask vs Django Distinction At Interview Kickstart

Exploring the distinctions between Flask and Django in the Python ecosystem is crucial for any aspiring tech professional. Interview Kickstart is the ultimate platform that preps you well with programming languages that include Python, Java, R, etc., so that you can shine with true colors in your tech interviews. Extensive preparation is our first priority at Interview Kickstart, where our teaching members from FAANG+ add practical experience to your learning process. 

With an extraordinary facility of mock interviews led by hiring managers at top tech companies, our candidates gain valuable experience within a simulated environment. Also, our Interview Pep Guide is a free reservoir for participants. 

Join the webinar conducted by the CEO of IK to get detailed information and knowledge for free. 

FAQs About Flask vs Django Python 

Q.1: Is Flask easier than Django?

Yes, the maximum programmer thinks Flask is meant to exhibit a simple design to learn and utilize and a structure that can hail from the minimalistic one.

Q.2: Which is better, Django or Flask, for beginners?

In exchange, Flask is usually suggested as a way to go for starters thanks to its simplicity and minimalism (Okay, but Django is still complex)

Q.3: Is Django front end or back end?

Django is a back-end web framework utilized for creating the server-side features of web applications. In contrast, client-side development uses a front-end framework such as React or Angular.

Q.4: Why is Flask preferred over Django?

Several reasons can be mentioned, such as which are intended for easy use, functional technical, and mossy technical, which are simple to use and good for small and medium-sized projects and prototypes.


Abhinav Rawat

Product Manager @ Interview Kickstart | Ex-upGrad | BITS Pilani. Working with hiring managers from top companies like Meta, Apple, Google, Amazon etc to build structured interview process BootCamps across domains

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