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Best Opening Lines to Start an Email

Last updated by Vartika Rai on Apr 01, 2024 at 01:09 PM | Reading time: 15 minutes

Example 1: “Hello,

This is Adrian. I had applied for a job at your company and was expecting feedback regarding our last discussion.”

Example 2: “Hi there,

Hope you remember me? It’s Adrian. We had a wonderful discussion last week regarding a job opening at your company. It would be amazing if you provide your review about my profile as per our discussion.”

What do you think is the difference between these two email openings?

Both relay the same message, yet they have a major difference. It is the tonality that segregates one from the other.

“A good beginning makes a good end.” – Louis L’Amour

The first one seems too straightforward and might even make the recipient feel you’re a tad too invasive.

Now, look at the second email opening. It starts with a simple reminder and politely asks for a response.

That is what matters when writing an email opening. No one sits to understand your intentions as they aren’t tangible. However, the words you use to portray your intentions are crucial.

Writing professionally apt email opening lines doesn’t revolve around your flair for literature; in fact, this is exactly what you shouldn’t be doing.

The opening sentences for email should be intriguing for the recipients and make them want to read the entire text.

So, let’s get on with the show and learn how you can make your email openers more interesting and captivate your recipients’ attention. Here's what we'll cover:

- Why is starting your email the right way vital?

- How to start your email?

- Things to include at the beginning of your emails

- Formal starting

- When you’re following up

- If you want to get (appropriately) personal

- Email greeting examples

- Ways to start an email with examples

- Best email ending lines

Why is starting your email the right way vital?

“The best way to get something done is to begin.”

One of the most formal means of communications, emails have been a prevalent method for companies to interact with clients, employees, prospective candidates, suppliers, etc. So, obviously, you don’t expect them to start with a blunt “Hey, what’s up.”

Proper email opening lines are expected as they are a representation of your experience, sincerity and knowledge. A well-written email that begins with an interesting one-liner related to the purpose will be more intriguing for your recipients, allowing them to develop a perception that it was written by a professional. On the other hand, a lukewarm way of writing an email can possibly ruin your impression and chances at grabbing the coveted crown.

How to start your email?

Mastering the art of writing perfect opening sentences for email isn’t as difficult as you may presume it to be. You need to organize the tone, voice, and intention in appropriate words.

To do this, there is no need to summon your inner Shakespeare for all you require is a proper idea of “What you are writing?”, “Who is it for?” and “What do you want to say?”

Keep it professional

Engaging in a friendly interaction may seem like a healthy means of communication; however, continuing with such a tone may not be such a smart choice.

It is like going up to your department manager and starting a conversation about your personal life. They aren’t interested, and even if they are, it’s just not the appropriate space. So, don’t ruin your impression by writing overtly friendly email opening lines. Instead, aim for a beginning that is subtle, unique, and impressionable.

Your email should intrigue the recipients, encouraging them to send an immediate reply.

Know your audience

It is your audience who will be reading and determining your professionalism through the email that you have constructed. Your approach can be formal or informal based on how long you have known the recipient.

If you are familiar with the recipient of your email for a while now, an email opening like “Hi there, hope you had a great weekend” makes sense and will be a pleasant approach.

However, if you are writing opening sentences for email for your interviewer or potential hiring manager, try a more formal approach, such as “Good morning, hope my email finds you in impeccable health and spirits.”

Choose an email style that justifies your personality

Every good email opening lines that you write can be presented in two different styles, formal and informal. Your approach will determine the kind of image the recipient will fashion about your knowledge and expertise.

One of the problems you might face when writing a formal email is it appearing too stiff. Although business email opening lines are preferably written with a formal tone, the usage of certain conversational phrases won’t earn you the laurels.

Writing an informal email, on the other hand, may appear like the easiest thing to do; however, your challenge here is to use the correct language and sentence construct. When writing friendly email opening lines, you will need to be persuasive, polite, subtle, and intriguing.

You can write an informal email in the following instances.

  • If the recipient tends to use an informal tone when sending emails.
  • If you’ve known the recipient for a while now.

But be careful and do not go overboard. This is a crucial piece of career advice for you.

Want a positive response? Then be aware of the tone you use while writing formal email opening lines. Although confidence is paramount, too much of it may be overpowering for the one receiving your emails. They may even assume that you are a rude and assertive person with a lack of professionalism.

Salutations: The oldest ingredient in the recipe

Any ideal professional email must begin with salutations such as dear, respected, etc. While its usage is encouraged, did you know that if not used correctly, it can be taken as offensive?

Often, we use salutations such as “dear madam or sir.” They don’t sound wrong, do they? However, it is exasperating to include it in an email as the usage of madam or sir makes gender appear as a binary concept. Instead, try using terms such as “Dear employee,” “Dear department head,” “Respected chief officer,” etc.

Things to include at the start of your emails

Wish to come up with the best email opening lines? Try writing emails by keeping points you will learn here in mind. Of course, an over-exaggerated and excessively friendly email opening may irk your recipient. Instead, try sending emails with professional email opening lines.

Now, do you do that?

Keep reading to learn how to frame formal email opening lines.

  • Greeting

Formal email opening lines usually include a greeting, such as “Good morning,” “Hope you are enjoying a good day,” “Hi there,” etc. Now, too many such lines may seem too informal; however, starting with pleasantries is never a disagreeable idea.

It makes the recipient appreciate your politeness and reply to your email more eagerly. Although, keep in mind too much of something is never acceptable. Subtleties are great; however, going overboard with them isn’t.


“Hi, there,

Hope you’re having a good day. If it doesn’t bother your work schedule too much, it would be kind of you to provide me with a reply to my mail.”  

  • Reason for writing

Blindly proceeding with pleasantries without addressing the main purpose of sending your email isn’t very professional. While proper opening phrases for emails are mandatory, you will need to stick to your purpose religiously.


“Good morning,

Hope you are doing well. I am writing this email to remind you about our meeting that was scheduled for today at 5 in the evening.”

  • Well wishes (optional)

Including warm wishes in your email opening lines gives your recipient a proper impression about your professionalism and approach.

  • Catchy email opening lines

Another approach that you can adopt when constructing emails is coming up with a catchy one-liner. It may seem like an odd idea to frame an email. However, if you wish to stand out, this approach is your kryptonite.

How to be that creative? Simple! Try thinking of an approach where your message is conveyed, and at the same time, is the kind that the recipient finds intriguing.


“Welcome back from your vacation; hope you had a great time.”

“Congratulations on your company’s recent achievement.”

  • Show appreciation for the recipient

Think about it. Work, especially at the beginning of the week, can be brutal. They probably feel drained of any energy. So, in such cases, sending a cold email will probably land you on the “no reply” list.

So, what to do? Appreciate.

“A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.”


“Thank you again for scheduling this meeting.”

“Thank you for your pointers.”

“I appreciate your concern.”

“Thank you for taking out time from your busy schedule.”

Formal email opening lines

Formal email opening lines need not always be too uptight or stiff. They can include pleasantries. Comprehending your approach for formal beginnings is where your expertise lies.

  • Good afternoon
  • Good morning
  • How are you?
  • I hope that this email finds you well
  • I hope you are having a nice day
  • Hopefully, you enjoyed your weekend
  • I have been trying to reach you
  • I appreciate your quick response
  • I appreciate your advice and suggestions
  • Hope your week is going great
  • Sorry to disturb your busy schedule
  • I know it has been a busy week
  • If it isn’t too much trouble
  • I appreciate our discussion
  • Thank you for your assistance

When you’re following up

Follow-up emails have a certain construction pattern that you will need to adhere to before you send them to your recipient. A formal tone is requested; however, if you are on familiar terms with the recipient, you can opt for informal pleasantries as well. With proper interview prep courses, you can come with several follow-up email openers, such as:

  • As promised, I’m…
  • As we discussed on our call…
  • Can you provide me with an update on…?
  • I’m checking in on…
  • Thank you for your time
  • I would like to talk about…
  • I wanted to follow up on our discussion.
  • I am getting back to you.
  • Hope you remember me
  • This mail is to remind you.
  • As per our last discussion
  • I was waiting for a response.
  • As per your suggested pointers
  • Hope I am not disturbing
  • I hope this is a good time

If you want to get (appropriately) personal

A personal approach is only appreciated when you have been familiar with the recipient for a while now. Other than that, try avoiding this approach for formal conversations. Want to learn how you can include catchy email openers? Attending technical interview prep mock classes can be of great help.

You can also weave in the following examples in the email.

  • Congratulations on [recent accomplishment]
  • How did [recent project] turn out?
  • I hope you enjoyed your [event or vacation]
  • I loved your recent [photo/article/social media post]
  • Hope your weekend was enjoyable
  • Hope this mail finds you in good health
  • It was great talking to you
  • This article reminded me of your suggestions
  • Would it be possible to set up a meeting
  • Your humorous approach in presenting that project was truly entertaining

Spice it up with controlled humor

Humor is what you need to survive those ruthless office days when every aspect of your planning crashes to the ground. Try using informal, friendly email opening lines such as the following to brighten up your recipient’s day.

  • Delighted “Not Monday”
  • Hello from the other side
  • Hope you’re surviving another workweek
  • Am I ruining the zero status of your inbox?
  • Sorry to be such a bother every time
  • How is surviving the middle of the week going for you
  • I’ll cut straight to the chase


What to avoid in your next official email?

  • “Please do not hesitate to call me back.”
  • “I wanted to reach out…”
  • “Please note that….”

Email greeting examples

  • For more than one recipient

When writing an email intended for more than one person, singular pleasantries may not be as effective. You will need to opt for approaches a cut above.


“Respected department heads.”

“To our chief accountants.”

  • For more than three recipients

When talking to more than three people, you can use plural terminologies to make your method of addressing them simpler. Instead of opting to spell out individual names, go for sample greetings such as these.


“Attention, esteemed colleagues.”

“Respected members of the board.”

  • When the recipient’s name isn’t known

If you are unaware of the name or details of the recipient, try using terms that are more accommodating. Using binary terms such as sir or madam isn’t necessary.


“Dear selection committee members.”

“Respected Interviewer”

“To the hiring manager.”

Ways to start an email with examples

  • For job applications

When applying for a job, going for a more formal tone would be suitable. Try finding out the name of your interviewer or the hiring manager, as using their names will help create a refined impression of you before them.


Hello Javier,

I’m glad you took out some time to have a word with me regarding the Accounting Manager position. Attached with this email are the additional information and credentials you requested.

  • Follow up after the interview

While writing follow-up email opening lines, portray your appreciation towards the organization. Keep in mind that you must create an impression while maintaining a formal tonality.


Dear Hannah,

It meant the world that you took some time out of your busy schedule to talk about the Java Developer position at your firm. It was indeed a treat to talk to about the position in person with you.

  • When setting up a meeting

Setting up a meeting requires gathering information about the prospective employer’s work schedule. The meeting must be inclusive and open to all people invited to attend it.


Dear (salutation and name),

This is (your full name). This email is to bring to your kind notice that (explain the reason behind setting up the meeting.)

  • New team member

For new member introductions, make sure to state the reason for their presence in the company and the job role they are here to fulfill. Also, inform all existing employees to treat their new colleagues as any other member of the team.


Dear Mary,

I feel privileged to welcome you in the (respective department.) I am delighted that you’ve joined our family, and we plan on building a long and mutually respectful relationship with you.

  • Accepting job position

Although containing your excitement at this point may be your biggest challenge, this is exactly where your professionalism is put to the test. You will need to maintain your composure and provide a proper reply to the job offer email.


Dear Mr. Hughes,

I am very excited to be a part of your esteemed organization’s machine learning process. I am eager to outperform day in and out and contribute positively to the exponential growth of the company.


Vartika Rai

Product Manager at Interview Kickstart | Ex-Microsoft | IIIT Hyderabad | ML/Data Science Enthusiast. Working with industry experts to help working professionals successfully prepare and ace interviews at FAANG+ and top tech companies

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