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How to Find the Best Job for Yourself?

Last updated by Ashwin Ramachandran on Apr 01, 2024 at 01:09 PM | Reading time: 26 minutes

"Never settle for average" – Steve Jobs.

It has been over three months since Andrew started looking for a job opening. He isn't unemployed, but he isn't happy either. Stuck in a dead-end job, laboring away isn't the career path that he had in mind. He wanted to grow and pave his way to a career position that will define his abilities and skills. However, these last few weeks, he has just been in and out of job websites, unable to find the career path that best defines him.

Is Andrew too picky? Or is this normal when looking for jobs?

Many may claim that looking for a job isn't easy. However, they fail to understand that there is a difference between not finding a job and not finding a suitable job. The main issue lies in how you search.

Instead of searching endlessly, without any strategy, you will need to narrow down your search to suit your requirements and expectations. It all comes down to coming up with a proper plan to conduct these searches. You cannot scroll through job openings all day; you need to realize what is it that you want? Some technical interview prep mock classes also cover this crucial aspect.

That is why you will need proper knowledge of how to find best jobs without having to go through the trouble of landing the wrong one. Keep reading to learn how a simple change in approach can land you the perfect job.

Learn all you need to know about how to find work so that your job search can finally come to an end.

- Why having right job is important?

- What makes a job perfect for you?

- Steps to find a job that’s perfect for you

- Tips for Choosing the Best Job for You

- What else would you like in a job?

- How to Decide Which Job to Take

- How to prepare for an interview

Why having the right job is important?

Waking up every morning, dragging yourself out of your home, just to sit at a job where you feel demotivated isn't what your career path should look like. Your job should be the definition of your goals in life and pave your road to success. If your current job isn't meeting up to these standards, then maybe it's time to find a new one by learning how to search for jobs.

"If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission" - Anonymous.

Sticking to a job where your zeal to work has died down and your development has come to a halt is a complete waste of time. You need an upgrade and know all about how to find the job for you. Any person who wishes to triumph in life or work towards their pre-set goals must comprehend that the right job is extremely for the right career.  

What makes a job perfect for you?

Looking for a job is easy, but looking for that perfect job is more difficult than you can imagine. It is not about scaping job sites for the perfect fit but about strategically searching for openings that best suit your interests, experience, knowledge, and expertise. There are certain pointers you need to keep in mind when learning how to find a suitable job.

  • Decide what you want

One of the key factors that you need to focus on when learning how to find the best jobs is to know what you want. Take Andrew, for example. He was stuck in a dead-end job and felt it was draining him of any motivation. However, he never did anything about it. Searching for jobs is only the beginning. You need to dedicate yourself to search for a position opening that best serves your interest. Whether you love a challenge or love developing yourself, your job search should depend on what you plan to take away from this position.  

  • Know what you need

There are certain areas where negotiating with your prospective company isn't an option. One of the key things to know about how to find best jobs is to check whether the job you are applying to is offering the following benefits.

  1. Presence of discipline within the workspace.
  2. A salary at par or above expectations.
  3. Health insurance or any paid time-offs as per employee requirements.
  4. Flexibility with timings in case commute time from home to work is too long.
  • Try networking

At times, your preferred job site may not be able to present you with the kind of job opening that you are in search of. In such cases, try arranging an informational gathering with people you may have met before. Another method that you can apply is rummaging social media. Various companies prefer to post job openings on social networking platforms to broaden their search.

  • Experiment a little with your job search

Andrew was clearly tired of waiting around, so he came up with the idea of experimenting with his search. Instead of scrolling through different job sites, he began searching for "Software developer" on his preferred job portal. With various jobs flooding in. He then proceeded to upgrade his search by adding "Software development head."

What is it that you learn here? It is that a simple adjustment can help you achieve better results.

That is why, when searching for jobs on different portals, try experimenting a bit. Sometimes a little diversion may go a long way. You need to possess proper knowledge on how to find work to land the job of your dreams.

Steps to find a job that's perfect for you

So how is it that you plan to land that perfect job? Do you know how to search for jobs? You cannot blindly push through with traditional methods. What you need is a strategy that will make your job search more effective.

"Great things never come from comfort zones" – Anonymous

  • Start by deciding what you want in a job.

If you wish to narrow down your job search, you need to start somewhere. Being specific is mandatory if you are looking for a job that fits you. Aimlessly scaping the internet won't be of much help. Try making a list of the ambitions that you hold from your career. Knowing more about how to search for jobs will help you narrow down your search process.


Andrew is a software developer and wishes to search for job openings that help him develop his knowledge and expertise more. He decides to make a list of what it is that he desires from his job.

  1. A functional working environment.
  2. Cooperative colleagues.
  3. A salary at par or above expectations.
  4. Superiors who support and enable the development of employees."
  • Research job titles and descriptions.

Before blindly applying for any job position without knowing about how to find best jobs, do your own research. Job portals offer applicants the option of speculating a particular opening. Organizations post details so that applicants are aware of the position and responsibilities that they are signing up for.

Therefore, always speculate on the details of the job opening available on the website. You can also choose to search for more information on the internet about the company to get a better idea.

  • Review salary trends

Monetary motivation is an extremely important lesson that falls under how to find best jobs as although your job is helping you develop, without your salary, it will feel like too much work. Salary trends is a volatile concept due to how it keeps altering based on job responsibilities and the organization's status.


"As Andrew was filling out his resume, he was suddenly faced with the dilemma of what to put under salary expectations. He couldn't figure out whether he should stick with a 20% increase or simply double it. That is when he decides to consult with one of his friends, Ryan, who had recently shifted to another company. He learned that salary expectations tend to depend on certain factors.

  1. Your knowledge and expertise.
  2. The salary ranges of the company you are applying to.
  3. Your monetary expectations.
  4. Always keep a range within which you want your salary to be.

Adhering to these points that fall under how to find best jobs, Andrew was able to derive his salary expectations from a job opening with ease."

  • Identify your must-haves

Every person has certain expectations from the job that they are applying to. It is necessary to identify what it is that you need when working at a company. There are certain non-negotiable factors that a company is bound to provide employees with.

  1. Medical insurance.
  2. Proper working environment.
  3. Workplace discipline.
  4. A salary that meets your expectations.
  • Experiment with different job searches.

One thing that you can do is spice things up a bit. How? You can try experimenting with the way you search for a job. Instead of constantly scrolling through job portals looking for the one that is meant to be, try upgrading your search. If you wish to know how to find work, learn how to experiment a little.


If you are searching for job openings for the position of an application developer, instead of writing something generic, try searching for jobs under the head, “Application development project manager.”

  • Use advanced search tools to avoid the noise

While job scavenging can be a difficult task that falls under how to find work, it can be made easy with the help of different tools available at your disposal. You can begin by using filters present in different job portals. Keep in mind that job websites are designed to be user-friendly. These filters allow you to segregate the generalized job openings into classified categories.


Andrew wanted to use these filters to help him understand exactly the kind of job he was in need of. By clicking on a filter, he was redirected to a dialogue box consisting of the options of selecting salary expectations, experience, knowledge, etc.

Utilization of these filters made his search process more streamlined, allowing him to stumble upon a job opening that he felt was suitable for him.

  • Conduct company research

So, how can you find a job? You can apply to any company for a job application, but are you sure that this organization is capable of meeting your expectations? That is why it is important that you conduct research on the company. Try visiting the company page or other review websites to get a better grasp of their functionalities and development.


“There was a job opening that Andrew found quite intriguing. However, he was unsure about whether this organization was capable of meeting his expectations. So, he decided to conduct thorough research. He speculated the company’s own website for more information on their development, work ethics, and functionalities. He learned that the company has quite a few achievements and is a possible great fit for him.”

  • Determine if you meet the requirements

Just as how you have certain expectations from a particular job opening, so does the prospective company, which is why every job opening comes with a set of requirements that they want potential employees to meet. These parameters are usually provided under their job opening application, available in different portals. If you want to know how to find best jobs, you must be aware of these requirements.

Experience: How long has the person been in this field?

Skills: What does the person specialize in?

Education: What are their degrees, and how much do they know?

Professional documentation: Do they hold any professional licenses or certificates?

Personal characteristics: Do they have any specific traits or attributes?

Language: How many languages are they fluent in?

Physical ability: Will they be comfortable coming to the office?

  • Make a Match

You now know how to shortlist your job searches into a few suitable fittings. You have conducted your research and analysis to derive these resultants. With your data at hand, it is now time to comprehend which one is the ultimate match.

Try going over the job description of each of these openings that you have selected. Understand the company requirements and, if possible, keep track of each opening’s company progress. It is always suitable to aim for a company that is constantly growing. With all the information, select the job opening, which you feel is most suited for you. Keep reading to learn more about how to find best jobs.


What NOT to do when job hunting?

  • Start applying immediately
  • Tell everyone about your search
  • Appear for an interview in casuals

Crack lame jokes during the interview

  • Get the Inside Scoop

Do you know how to get better information? Try getting some inside news on the organization. You don’t need to hire a spy for it; you just need to get creative. Try visiting company review pages. This is also a lesson that you will need to keep in mind when learning about how to search for jobs. These are websites where current and ex-employees feel comfortable writing their opinion on the organization while maintaining anonymity.


“Andrew was sure that he had found the job of his dreams. He was eager to apply for it as soon as possible until his friend Ryan advised him otherwise. He stated that although company descriptions offer knowledge about the organization, for better analysis of whether this job is suited for them, it is always advisable to refer to reviews. He suggested a few websites that post reviews on companies for potential employees to refer to.”

  • Interviewing Works Both Ways

It is unknown to many, but are you aware that an interview works both ways? You see, in an interview, the potential candidate has to answer an array of questions prepared by the company. These questions are what the company believes will assist them in identifying the applicant that best fits the job position available.

Similarly, to known how to find work, you will need to ask your potential employers or interviewers a set of questions that you feel will help you learn more about whether this job position is suitable for you. You can proceed to ask them about the responsibilities that fall under this position or the kind of work environment present in their office. There are certain sample questions that have been provided here that you can ask your interviewer.

  1. Please elaborate a little on the responsibilities involved.
  2. What is it that you want to see in a person who succeeds to fit in this job role?
  3. What are the challenges that you think I might face?
  4. How do you speculate performance?            
  5. What is it that you anticipate when working with someone belonging to this job role?
  • Check out the Company Culture

What do you understand when you hear the word, company culture? It isn’t too complex a concept. It refers to the work environment and the characteristics of the people who hold jobs here. It is an important aspect to consider as an organization’s developments are influenced highly by this factor. To know how to search for jobs, this aspect is extremely crucial.


Andrew had received a call from an organization for the role of a software development project manager. Through his telephonic conversation, he learned that this company believed in the concept of “we are a family here” kind of work environment. Although the mantra sounds intriguing, however, Andrew soon realized that this means that the work environment here is quite dysfunctional.


Tips for Choosing the Best Job for You

Choosing a job perfectly suited for you can be a difficult affair. So, how to find a suitable job?

Keep reading to learn the tips and tricks that you can apply to get the job of your dreams.

  • Don’t stop searching for the perfect job.

Many applicants make the mistake of bringing their job search to hold after landing an opening. This is quite unprofessional as it is always advisable for applicants to never stop searching. Keep in mind, when learning about how to find a suitable job, never halt your search.

Instead, choose to update your current job position and development on a monthly basis on different networking platforms and your resume. Often organizational heads who visit these sites often may notice your skills and invite you for an interview session for a preferable job position.  

  • List your expectation about your ideal employer and job position

Every person possesses a preference for a certain type of environment that they can work in. While some love the zeal of work pressure, others hate being suffocated by targets. That is why, instead of blindly diving into that dilemma, you can choose to instead create a list of things that you expect from your ideal job. If you want to know how to find the job for you, this is an aspect you will need to consider.

  • Think carefully about how you would describe your best job

One of the best segregation methods that you can apply when job searching is asking yourself questions on what it is that you exactly want from a position. Your answers will help you determine where you should apply and where you shouldn’t.

· What used to make your current job ideal?


“Andrew knew that before deciding to shift companies, the reason he had applied to his current job was because of the development prospects. He was able to develop himself quite a bit in the beginning. However, his enthusiasm was soon worn down due to how monotonous his work had become.”

What can you do without in your next job?


“Andrew isn’t a huge fan of a dysfunctional working environment, and although his current job position had ensured him of workplace discipline, he later found out otherwise. The workplace was disorganized, which may not have been the cause of many problems in the beginning. But now, it has become a reason for his exhaustion.”

Do you want a work-life balance?


“Rachel wanted a job position, where her work and personal life would never collide with one another. This segregation helped her maintain focus when working while also maintaining a healthy relationship with her family.”

What kind of work culture do you prefer?


“For Andrew, an ideal company culture would be one where employees maintain certain decorum and discipline when in office premises. Although he does entertain a joke or two, lazy work culture is unacceptable to him.”

What kind of jobs is most preferable to you?


“Andrew simply wished for a job that helped him develop his skills more. He believed that he was capable of more growth and wasn’t going to settle for anything less. He wanted a position that would help him escalate his career.”

What else would you like in a job?

For a job position to be perfect for you, it cannot be lacking in any factor. So, how to find best jobs? It should be at par or above your expectations if you are considering it to be the best. While the basic needs are necessary, to ensure perfection, you will need to make a list of what else is it that you expect from an opening.

  • Which job do you think is perfect for you?

Knowing your requirements is always step one under how to search for jobs. Looking for the perfect job and being clueless about what it is that you want absolute wastage of time. Your needs should be your priority. In case you are confused about your requirements, opt for career assessments available online. They may not assure 100% accuracy; however, they may be able to help you to at least begin your search.

  • What is your worth?

If you are working hard and dedicating yourself to your company, it is quite obvious that you expect to be compensated. However, determining salary expectation tends to be a difficult question for many applicants. So, to know what is your hard work worth, you can choose to do surveys online on the average expectations.

Try consulting with people who hold or known others who hold similar job positions about their salary expectations and know about how to search for jobs. Proper research and survey may help you come up with an answer to your question. Another suggestion can be that you weigh in your worth by measuring out the amount of time and energy you will be dedicating under this job title.

  • Do you need to get more skills?

Development is a continuous process, and the day it becomes stagnant is the day you can announce the doom of your career path. It is evident that a job where you find yourself to be exhausted rather than growth is the one not worth keeping. That is why to try finding jobs where you can grow further.

However, in order to get a suitable job position, often, you are required to possess certain knowledge of skills. That is why; to know how to find best jobs, try speculating on the kind of skills that companies are looking for currently. On the basis of your search, educate yourself before you try applying for any position opening.  

  • Try helping your recruiters

A shortage of operational employees often causes companies to become desperate for suitable candidates. In such cases, it is observed that they tend to survey various networking sites and even consultants for that perfect applicant. So, it is your duty to provide them with what they are looking for. To know how to find best jobs, you will need to keep this point in mind.

Try keeping your networking sites up-to-date. Add in any special skill or knowledge that you have developed recently. Include your achievements as well as the obstacles that you have crossed to get where you are. Try researching what it is that organizations are in search of recently and develop that knowledge to offer your recruiter exactly what they are looking for.

  • It’s okay to say no sometimes

The main idea behind how to find the job for you is knowing that not all jobs are suitable. That is why, make it a habit to say, “No thanks,” or “I’m sorry, but I can’t at the moment.” There are plenty of jobs out there waiting for you to apply, so letting one go isn’t the end of the world.

However, don’t just say no for the sake of it. Try analyzing the exact reason why this job isn’t suitable. Evaluate all your points and if you find it “not worth the time,” simply call your recruiter to let them know that you will be letting this one go.

  • Networking is a good option

The key to knowing how to find best jobs is networking. You cannot know everything, so try contacting people who do. Often you will be surprised about the amount of knowledge you can gain about recruitment and how to crack it from people you just met. Also, try building connections wherever you go.

Companies, at times, tend to encourage existing employees to bring in more potential candidates. So, establishing good relations with such people may land you that perfect job faster than you can imagine.

How to Decide Which Job to Take

After the completion of the application process, you will receive quite a few responses from companies interested in hiring you. This is the time when your decision-making skills are put to the ultimate test. Your decision will determine whether the job you have chosen for yourself is perfect or simply a waste of time.

  • Try looking beyond your perks

Many organizations are quick to mention the perks they offer employees and what they can enjoy if they take up the job offer. However, you will have to make the decision of whether the company fits your preferences beyond its mentioned perks. Keep reading to learn more about how to find a suitable job for yourself.

  • Will it ensure career development

Although determining growth even before you enter a company isn’t possible, so try doing some research on them. Find out more about the company willing to hire you. Your research will determine whether you should be going for this job opening or not.

Tip: Go for companies that are constantly, as such organizations increase your prospects of developing your career path.

  • What is your preference in terms of companies?

There must be certain companies that you have in your mind where you would love to land a job. So when accepting job offers, select the ones that are coming from your preferred company list.

An interview not only helps an organization in determining whether the candidate in question is fit for the job role but also helps you realize if this job position is meant for you. So, try remembering how your interview went before you start applying. Know all about how to find a suitable job before you consider anything at all.

How to prepare for an interview

An interview tends to overwhelm many candidates, causing thousands to fail at a time. So, instead of getting riled up, keep your cool and try keeping in mind these simple tips.

  • Before you appear for the interview, conduct thorough research on the job position, you are applying for and the responsibilities you will be taking up.
  • Know why you are applying for this job, and what it is that makes you suitable for this position.
  • Do a little research on the company and its achievements, to be a little more prepared.
  • Research some common interview questions to avoid getting confused or flustered during the interview.
  • Practice your tonality and body language as it will help you create a better impression.

It is pretty obvious by now that finding the best job is like sneezing with your eyes open. It is impossible and can never happen. However, finding a job that is perfect for you is something that you can do. All it needs is for you to align your interests with your experience, and landing a job you love is that much easy.

So, the answer to “how to find best jobs” is quite simple.

There is no best job; there are only jobs that you love.

“If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life” – Marc Anthony.

You will find more relevant career advice if you know where to look!


Ashwin Ramachandran

Head of Engineering @ Interview Kickstart. Enjoys cutting through the noise and finding patterns.

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